bandung.haha.well, im gonna tell this one ikut category nye
roughly, first day was my sister's place at jatinago.2nd day is bandung city, shopping.3rd day shopping gak.4th day rest day, jalan2 sket.and 5th day, balik(:
well well well, if you say bandung, whats first in ur mind?factory outlet, cheap stuffs, bla bla bla.yeah, and its sooooo true.for them who loves shopping, this is the perfect place.ahha.this is my 2nd time to bandung, so, im not that jakun anymore.hahaha.first stop on the 2nd day(first day tak shopping sgt), obviously, RUMAH factory outlet ever! seriously.the price was, okay la.i got my friends presents here.and 2 things for myself.a sleeveless, and this perfect brown sweater! its MODE PLUS.i bought my 2 other friend's bday present here.then, its almost night, we went to check out PARJIS VAN JAVA the was sooo cool ohkay! its like the curve or bukit bintang.ala2 tu laaa.very high class.and guess what, i bought my crocs here.haha.not a big deal pun but, saje je.i thot of buying blue, but since everyone thinks its ugly, i just bought the black one with the blue, on d 3rd day(amir's bday(: ), early in the morning, its PASAR BARU.haha.its the crowded place, not like a pasar la, but its very crowded, and i made my gradnyte dress there.hahaha.its like soo early kann.haha.but so what?, beli amende tah lagi.jalan2.haha.yeah, this is the routine, pasar baru je, kena beli kerepek! we went out and go to this place where sume org jual kerepek taw.even kasi free try lagi.haha.ape lagi.tym tgh bargain tu, makan laaaa.haha.boleh kenyang ouh.but seriously, crowded mati.after that, its dago street.ahha.there is SECRET, BLOSSOMS, and GRANDE.ohh yeah.DAGO STOCK EXPORT(dse for short).by the time we reached dse, i was dead tired.da la 4 like being rajin and all, used the stairs to go up, padahal lift ade je.hahaha. and then, 4th day.its rehat day.agak rehat la.tak shopping pun.5th for brownies and kartika sari lah!(:
makan atas airplane.pasta penne.haha
then nasi padang yang murah hell!tapi ikan dy keras.but sambal dy best. 40000rp equivalent to 40 divide by 3.5 pepandai kire la ehh.and that is for 4 ppl.
then that nyte, ikan bakar.3 ekor aw!hahha.96000rp.
and also, teh botol and fruit tea.sedaaap ouhh.haha.
2nd day morning, i had instant porridge.
then mama ayah bawak, bale cafe punye nasi goreng and meehun.
kakak bawak the delicious LUMPIA BASAH.5000rp each.haha.taste like char kuey teow, but actually its sengkuang.ahaha.
then lunch its batago, nasi thimble, and mee asin kat mode plus's restaurant.
malam its es teller's nasi goreng, mee soto and kuey teow goreng.sedap weyh.
next morning, tak bfast kan?makan heavy lunch kat pasar baru.
ikan gurame for mama n ayah.nasi thimble for kakak and me, sup buntut.hahahahaha.funny, but mengenyangkan.then malam makan ape eh?ntah la.
4th day.bfast ape?ntah
lunch chicken chop.hahahaha.kakak, bebek bakar which is itik bakar.
dnnr makan this waffle yang my mum ckp sedap gile kan.
then when i saw it, it was actually the waffle yg nana makan kat RARA klcc.same je.but mine was superb sedap! vanilla weyh! im a freak of vanilla and that waffle dough.hahahaha.weird.
malam makan mee tarik, seafood mende tah, sate with kuah kicap.hahaha.kicap dy pekat ouh.and my sis nak sgt makan pece lele dy uh, and guess what is it, nasi with ikan keli!daymn.kat kl tak makan ikan keli, then datang sini terus makan.hahaha.
last day, maggi for bfast.then its kueh2 mende tah.ade pizza bakar mende tah.then, on the plane.i just slept d whole way!hahahaha.
first day i slept at my sister's place.universitas od padjajaran.short name dy is guest room is at bale sister's room was at no 11, bale was the guy's place.that place was kinda cool tho.sejuk je.ahah.
2nd was hyatt until the last day.the room was superb.ade bathtub!but bed cukup kan, so tak tido dlm bath tub la.ahha.ade astro, so i watch several movies.its located besip the BIP, its cool.and the security, damn! ketat hell and out kene lalu scanner yg kat airport uhh.haha.but, i tak bwk bom ke ape, chill(:and, penyambut tetamu dy, comel oh.yg sorg tu je la.his name is amir, hahahaha.what a coincidence.but, i got my own amir pun kan(: so like.wtv.
we arrived at the airport.then it was pak termizi's guy yg took us, not him himself like our last trip.his name is ONSEK (spelling?).ahha.we rode on this swift 7 jatinago.we rode on angkutan kota, the short is ANGKOT.we rode that to get to the ikan bakar place, ang to mane tah.skali naek u have to pay 7000rp per person.if you want to stop, just say 'pak, kiri' getting the hang of this.(: umm.yeah, 2nd day, tym we were otw to the hotel, it became 5 seater car cuz seat belakang tuh half of it kene lipat cuz our luggage banyak gila, and yeah, its me yang kene duk blakang tuhh.and believe, they forget all abt me taw,! first time bl nk sampai hotel.2nd time, last day, time otw to the airport, stop kat kartika sari.grrrrrr.bengang but, what to do.ahah.
well, indonesians.ahha.technically, theyre okay.but sis practically lives there, so she can speack their lang now.well, it snot that hard.its just..., all the talking were made by my sisters.ahha.i looked at her cm pandang slack je en tym dy ngomong bahasa indo tuh, but, biar lah kann.she knows it better.ahha.and believe me, there, its like, most of them have atleast one hoodies, or atleast, a jacket.dah la lawa weyhhh!berjuta jacket lawa ouh kat sane.but the price lawa gak la kann.and and there are very polite, some of them.and cm kelakar la care dyorg ckp tuuuu.and sgt buat hal sndry.kat mall BIP uhh, i dont see a lot of tourists taw.dunno whay.but one thing la.tataw la skola dyorg habis pukul bape but before 12 lagi, the mall is full with them.most of them, are wearing jackets.ahha.and for them who wears the jilbab, which is the tudung, they wear the tudung cm okay gak la, even smpi my mum ckp cant differentiate between indo and, thats it la kot.
missing that sumbody badly
esp on the 3rd day
and, im cranky most of the times
tido banyak
sakit perut
lots of love, maxime.
- alhanasabrina
- Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
webcam wonder

smlm, i went to this hotel.then, ni lah number bilik dy, cm teringat je.hahahaha.tu lah yang snap pic ni :D
suka suka suka.esp, his charming smile.ouhh.comel ah!lame gila kot webcam.and he was at the hosp kan, so lyk takleyh bwat expression sgt.haha.nanti nurse sume kate dy gile.bak kate dy lahhh.umm.then dy off turun la bwh tgk sehati berdansa.hahaha.then i missed him like freaking much, texting is not enuff, angau angau, so lyk i switched on the laptop again.then there he was, with his red tshirt, earphone yg tak berape cool, and jam odm yang agak cool lah! hahahaha.i wish that moment will last forever.but, tanak lah kann!nak jumpe dy on wed nxt week (:
but then, i ve to go back.its wayyyy past my curfew, ahhaha.supposednye balik tengahari kan.but like.ntah.malas nak crite, there will be no more tears rolling down on this face, kan syg?ahha
knight in a shining armour
like kyle XY i wish to be
sleeping there with no one alse but me
oh now i know why ppl like biology
cuz before, i just like to dream
words had been spoken
calls had been made
ppl are annoyed and left me, forsaken
now look at the caous that uve made
webcam wonder, lets start a fire
a fliming one with a hot desire
to be a model, a photographer
or just ure suit to be a lover
the ipod's down, im getting a frown
but not today cuz there's my crown
d title best dressed's where i got it from
ohh, i cnt wait to go to my own prom !
121 world hotel.121208.
thnx for being there when i need you
thnx fer calming me with ur sweet voice
thnx fer calling me in the middle of the night
thnx fer being by my side
thnx for existing in my life hney
i love you to bits
Sunday, December 7, 2008
heartbroken, or so?
well, its basically started ends, well m not sure exactly when.but well, let me tell u the story.
well, i did have a great time with him.yeah.despite all the bad things ive done.haiyo.but seriously, i think i will not work out.this relationship will not work out.yeahh.but seriously, kesian dy gile beng.well, i did love. him.i did! but, there is definitely something wrong.i asked my friends bout him, they say that , he is maybe a bad boy, but when it comes to me, when it comes to a serious relationship like me, he can behave.well, i dunno.but, wtv pon.ive made my decision.last nyte phone call, was outta serabut je.lets start from the start, shall we?
120208 can we go further?
that text really makes me wonder.tapi seriously, blank lahh.and lyk, then, couple.hurm.
the months ahead was a bit difficult, but we survived.he came, and i went out.bodoh betul aku.wtv i did, its in my head nak ckp dah.then theres klcc, wall-e.urm.he is my personal shopper, at that heels that m wearing during raya and also my birthday.everlast tshirt.then, his sweater.i survied by calling him kat phone booth, durh i didnt bring my phone kann.and there were several fights, duhh, masing2 cm emo kot.tah.break kjap for 3 days.macam mati i cried at that tym.i cant imagine, me, crying head over heels over that guy?hurm.ntah laa.after what happend, my mum persuaded me to leave that time, i am determined to leave sayang lah kut.tah.then, this hols, at rooftop careefour.well, cm biase lahh.but, he fucking ape je.bengang nak mati kot.i did a lot of thinking.a-lot! yeah, what my mum sayd, what my friends sayd.but nana, she just didint say anything.its all up to me.
well, tym cuti dah start hambar kut, ngan me yg tade creds, nk harap org share je, memang tak ah!seriously, tade duet lah.hurm.then, he sent me a text.
'my only queen.
no matter how often u hurt me and make me cry
my love on you will never change
but if you leave me
i will surely die
i love you'
damn im guilty!but, i know, this wont work sick of lying to my mum evrytime she asked, are you still with that i better make it real this time.its over, for real.
i composed a draft text message to break up with him.when i think i was ready, i pressed the button, 'send'.it shows there few seonds after that, 'delivered'. immediately, i started to cry.goshh.layan lah.sedih kut.ngan ipod pasang lagu jiwang lagi.ceyh, tadelaaa.there was nobody there to stop those tears.then, he didnt reply.wtv.i moved on.
last nyt.that tym, i just hang up on am, then his text came.
can i ask u something?
i started hands getting cold.damn i just typed a reply 'sure'
new text.r u serious bout that? replied.
why?he asked.
i ve got my own reasons.u dont nid to know.i said
u seem so happy bout this.why nique?
did i say im happy?tak kan.dah.
he said.u nvr loved me ryte?
'i did.i did loved you.okay?but somthing's not right with US.its last cred for you.bye.'
i thot its over,but he kept on calling and begging me to pick up.i hesitated but picked up anyway.this first convo was short and painful.i just hang up on him.the 2nd one was longer, and knowledgeable.i did what i had to do.and my final answer to his question was yes.
9 long, i never thot that i cud last that long.well, im proud of it, but why live in lies?but seriously, this relationship had thought me evrything that i can know.its gone.just like sad.yeah.and its all my fault.i dunno.i dunno.i dunno.for sure.but, ive got my mind settled on somthhing else kot.SPM.hahahaha.i dunno.lets just pray for the best, shall we?and i just hope my next one will be longer, and forever.just like everybody will dream of(:
and now im single.(:
oh but, nobody knows.
. Q
well, i did have a great time with him.yeah.despite all the bad things ive done.haiyo.but seriously, i think i will not work out.this relationship will not work out.yeahh.but seriously, kesian dy gile beng.well, i did love. him.i did! but, there is definitely something wrong.i asked my friends bout him, they say that , he is maybe a bad boy, but when it comes to me, when it comes to a serious relationship like me, he can behave.well, i dunno.but, wtv pon.ive made my decision.last nyte phone call, was outta serabut je.lets start from the start, shall we?
120208 can we go further?
that text really makes me wonder.tapi seriously, blank lahh.and lyk, then, couple.hurm.
the months ahead was a bit difficult, but we survived.he came, and i went out.bodoh betul aku.wtv i did, its in my head nak ckp dah.then theres klcc, wall-e.urm.he is my personal shopper, at that heels that m wearing during raya and also my birthday.everlast tshirt.then, his sweater.i survied by calling him kat phone booth, durh i didnt bring my phone kann.and there were several fights, duhh, masing2 cm emo kot.tah.break kjap for 3 days.macam mati i cried at that tym.i cant imagine, me, crying head over heels over that guy?hurm.ntah laa.after what happend, my mum persuaded me to leave that time, i am determined to leave sayang lah kut.tah.then, this hols, at rooftop careefour.well, cm biase lahh.but, he fucking ape je.bengang nak mati kot.i did a lot of thinking.a-lot! yeah, what my mum sayd, what my friends sayd.but nana, she just didint say anything.its all up to me.
well, tym cuti dah start hambar kut, ngan me yg tade creds, nk harap org share je, memang tak ah!seriously, tade duet lah.hurm.then, he sent me a text.
'my only queen.
no matter how often u hurt me and make me cry
my love on you will never change
but if you leave me
i will surely die
i love you'
damn im guilty!but, i know, this wont work sick of lying to my mum evrytime she asked, are you still with that i better make it real this time.its over, for real.
i composed a draft text message to break up with him.when i think i was ready, i pressed the button, 'send'.it shows there few seonds after that, 'delivered'. immediately, i started to cry.goshh.layan lah.sedih kut.ngan ipod pasang lagu jiwang lagi.ceyh, tadelaaa.there was nobody there to stop those tears.then, he didnt reply.wtv.i moved on.
last nyt.that tym, i just hang up on am, then his text came.
can i ask u something?
i started hands getting cold.damn i just typed a reply 'sure'
new text.r u serious bout that? replied.
why?he asked.
i ve got my own reasons.u dont nid to know.i said
u seem so happy bout this.why nique?
did i say im happy?tak kan.dah.
he said.u nvr loved me ryte?
'i did.i did loved you.okay?but somthing's not right with US.its last cred for you.bye.'
i thot its over,but he kept on calling and begging me to pick up.i hesitated but picked up anyway.this first convo was short and painful.i just hang up on him.the 2nd one was longer, and knowledgeable.i did what i had to do.and my final answer to his question was yes.
9 long, i never thot that i cud last that long.well, im proud of it, but why live in lies?but seriously, this relationship had thought me evrything that i can know.its gone.just like sad.yeah.and its all my fault.i dunno.i dunno.i dunno.for sure.but, ive got my mind settled on somthhing else kot.SPM.hahahaha.i dunno.lets just pray for the best, shall we?and i just hope my next one will be longer, and forever.just like everybody will dream of(:
and now im single.(:
oh but, nobody knows.
. Q
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
whatever you like
ahha currrently m addicted to the music vid whatever you like by T.I.dah la he's hot weyh
gila ahh if i am the girl in the vid clip, kan bestt
gila weyhhh. serious if i were a guy kan, my gf cn get whatever she likes((:
wheeeeee.suka suka in the mood of berangan now nihh.memang sakan ahhh berangan.xsedar diri! acc hw yg my dad bg pon x bersentuh.bored.lazy.hahaha.
and and ouh.nana's gone): uhuhh.sedey sudeyh.tapi takpe.karang tym i g bandung she'll miss me gak! hahahahaha.imy friend(:
that was d vid((:
hot kan.haha
then theres the lyrics
Hey Jill
You know the old sugga daddy
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
[Verse 1:]
Anytime you want to pick up the telephone
You know it ain't nothin to drop a couple stacks on you
Wanted you could get it my dear
Five million dollar home, drop Bentley's I swear
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
[Verse 2:]
Shawty you da hottest love the way you drop it
Brain so good (good) swore you went to college
Hundred cant deposit, vacations hit the tropics
Cause errbody know it ain't trickin if ya got it
Ya need to never ever gotta go to yo wallet
Long as I got rubberband banks in my pocket
Five six, rides with rims and a pocket kit
Ya ain't gotta downgrade you can get what I get
My chick could have what she want
And go in any store for any bag she want
And know she ain't never had a man like that
To buy you anything ya heart desire like that
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
[Verse 3:]
I'm talkin' big boy rides
And big boy ice
Let me put this big boy in yo life
The thang get so wet, it hit so right
Let me put this big boy in yo life
That's right
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
Hey Jill
takde keje nihh
chiow ;Q
gila ahh if i am the girl in the vid clip, kan bestt
gila weyhhh. serious if i were a guy kan, my gf cn get whatever she likes((:
wheeeeee.suka suka in the mood of berangan now nihh.memang sakan ahhh berangan.xsedar diri! acc hw yg my dad bg pon x bersentuh.bored.lazy.hahaha.
and and ouh.nana's gone): uhuhh.sedey sudeyh.tapi takpe.karang tym i g bandung she'll miss me gak! hahahahaha.imy friend(:
that was d vid((:
hot kan.haha
then theres the lyrics
Hey Jill
You know the old sugga daddy
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
[Verse 1:]
Anytime you want to pick up the telephone
You know it ain't nothin to drop a couple stacks on you
Wanted you could get it my dear
Five million dollar home, drop Bentley's I swear
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
[Verse 2:]
Shawty you da hottest love the way you drop it
Brain so good (good) swore you went to college
Hundred cant deposit, vacations hit the tropics
Cause errbody know it ain't trickin if ya got it
Ya need to never ever gotta go to yo wallet
Long as I got rubberband banks in my pocket
Five six, rides with rims and a pocket kit
Ya ain't gotta downgrade you can get what I get
My chick could have what she want
And go in any store for any bag she want
And know she ain't never had a man like that
To buy you anything ya heart desire like that
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
[Verse 3:]
I'm talkin' big boy rides
And big boy ice
Let me put this big boy in yo life
The thang get so wet, it hit so right
Let me put this big boy in yo life
That's right
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patron' on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you could have whatever you like (you like)
I said you could have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet you're so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you could go where ever you like (you like)
I said you could go where ever you like (you like)
Hey Jill
takde keje nihh
chiow ;Q
Saturday, November 29, 2008
they say

im still
the moon is slowl
im still
im still
i am still
that a mirac
fate broug
but can we fight
i bring
then u lift me
it was all a dream
of a one night
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
i so love my ipod
thanks to nana, its full.i mean, not really full, but atleast theres some songs(: hee.
today my routine is as usual.tution at nine.but we, me and nana, decided to ditch bio class since it is gonna be so boring, yeah we know! despite the fact that we already paid, we just got home anyway.and that is when the process of filling my ipod happens.
and yeah, i lost two of my precious teeth, oh boohoo): just because i want to wear the braces.yeahh.the process wasnt actually painful.but the results are.haiyo.after the extractong process, i went to klcc cuz my mum didnt have time to drop me there i was, with kapas full with blood in my mouth and i cant really feel my there.haiyo.naseb iya a lil bit relieved.then iya left, and i was alone.i didnt mind at all.well, atleast i think i do.haihh, i really dont mind.seriously(: heh.but then someone came along and accompany me for the rest of the then, at 430, i watch was kinda lame, funny and BORING.but the part where i got shocked was quite a few.ohh damn i hated the scenes! hahahaha.overall, nahh.not worth my 10 bux.although that guy paid for my tickets(:
well, tomorrow is the opening for twilight, the movie that i am suppposed to watch on my birthday but i didnt came out on my birthday instead it will come out lyk, this week, ive been getting out of the house for almost i dont think i cn make it for tommorow although the tickets had already been booked.sad, but, what to do?haihhh.but yeah certainly, i will damn watch the movie during this hols gak.tak kire! kene gak!oh and im so totally jealous of mard cuz dpt tgk hsm dah 5 kali taw! ape laaa.
and abt amir? only time will tell(:
thanks to nana, its full.i mean, not really full, but atleast theres some songs(: hee.
today my routine is as usual.tution at nine.but we, me and nana, decided to ditch bio class since it is gonna be so boring, yeah we know! despite the fact that we already paid, we just got home anyway.and that is when the process of filling my ipod happens.
and yeah, i lost two of my precious teeth, oh boohoo): just because i want to wear the braces.yeahh.the process wasnt actually painful.but the results are.haiyo.after the extractong process, i went to klcc cuz my mum didnt have time to drop me there i was, with kapas full with blood in my mouth and i cant really feel my there.haiyo.naseb iya a lil bit relieved.then iya left, and i was alone.i didnt mind at all.well, atleast i think i do.haihh, i really dont mind.seriously(: heh.but then someone came along and accompany me for the rest of the then, at 430, i watch was kinda lame, funny and BORING.but the part where i got shocked was quite a few.ohh damn i hated the scenes! hahahaha.overall, nahh.not worth my 10 bux.although that guy paid for my tickets(:
well, tomorrow is the opening for twilight, the movie that i am suppposed to watch on my birthday but i didnt came out on my birthday instead it will come out lyk, this week, ive been getting out of the house for almost i dont think i cn make it for tommorow although the tickets had already been booked.sad, but, what to do?haihhh.but yeah certainly, i will damn watch the movie during this hols gak.tak kire! kene gak!oh and im so totally jealous of mard cuz dpt tgk hsm dah 5 kali taw! ape laaa.
and abt amir? only time will tell(:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
better late than never im here to talk about the so called evnt of the year.211108 all started after me n nana went back fer tuition and wanna get ready for the long day.and night, of course.cuz we're sleeping at iya's hse! so first stop: KLCC.padahal pgy tsq.well, at klcc, we met amir(: and then he is being him, and tlg la bwkkn our stuffs yg berat mcm bom tuhh all the way frm klcc to tsq.naseb naek monorail.then when we got there cm blank2 nk bwt pe.then nmpk lah 4 org yg ttbe je jerit NIQUEEE!!.OMG, its tam ris meyl n first ngku was lyk malu2, haha, f3 kann.the guys were awkward, but we didnt care.we continued chattering and discussing how to get to the locker.haha, ris pon tukang bwk brg meyl, and ngku for tamm.heh.then dah jln2 tuh, yeah i stick by amir's side lah kan, as promised, takut dy cm sorang ke ape.then baam! we knock ourselves into lisa mard yaya ryla n razzan!
then, we entered the cosmo world, cam mahal lah gak.wtv pon, i got to see amir's ic yg tym dy buntal dulu and it was so like BEAR.haha comel je(: alryte.
first ride.the merry go round that goes up, round and round then, down.haha.i freaked out.but amir yg seblah i cm chill, so kene buat2 chill lah, tammy dah freak out cm gila smpi berzikir.hahaha.insaaaaaf kjap after that.hee.
then 2nd one.the dna mixer.kan?damn.that was the tym yang amir actually held my hands cuz i soooo freak out lyk hell.damn his hands were cold as ice. but after that i cm serious pening gle.and dy pon same, i know but to cntrl his macho, cm bwat cool lahhh.but then he's freaking mad cz last skali, fasiha's friend puked on him n it fell on his watch.he was so pissed off.
then there's this pusing2 thingy yg laju gell and org yang belah luar kene himpit tuhhhh.i was late.and amir decided that i yg kene himpit dy.hahaahaha.ngku, seating infront of us gelak mcm nak gile tgk i was lyk trying my best x nk himpit amir, cuz duhh, m heavy! ahahahaha.but eventually, i himpit dy lah sket je.hee.i gelak cm gile seeing mard trying to escape frm razzan yg nth buat2 cool ke mmg cool and tammy n nana yg dah berpeluk, ryla n iya's hair mcm WOW! hahahaha.
after ni cm rehat jap.its iya ryla lisa mard rzn ngku and amir (again!) to ride on the dna that tym ngku was crazy and amir, yeah goyang pon still kne cntrl macho ouhh.hahaha.muke iya x ley blah ouhh.mke mard cm nk nanges.lisa's hair.extra wow.aborigine siyall.heee.but after tuhh, i really did saw a major change in amir.serious pening ouh naek that thing.damn.
after that.the kapal2 and amir, facing meyl and ris.ahhahaha.u shud see the look on ris's face.gile half dead owh gandhi.aftr tht he didnt dare to ride on anything dah taw! haha.
then the haunted mansion.bangang punye haunted mansion.well, ngku yg bajet tuh pon lari mencicit, well, he's the 2nd group so dy dah chicken out so they hv to take rzn from the first group as the man in the group.well, the man in my group is amir.its me him iya n meyl.damn.machine menjerit lah kan.and amir was being so unafraid and i yg dah ckp mmg takut rumah hantu neyh, i screamed his name everytime i takut.damn.wht was i thinking.owho.he laughed all the way.hahahha.cilakaw pny haunted mansion.
next.roller coaster.haha.i naek ngan amir at first.he was lyk still pening2 from the dna mxr tu kot but after one ride dy da exited so he left my n ryla to go to ngku and said that they wnt stop until dpt duk dpn.but then this one tym cm lame gile smpi i ngan ryla nk ttdo dah tngu cuz evrywhere we go, there's it turned out memang xdpt duk dpn lah mereka tuhh, tamm n iya machine menjerit.ngku memang fuck fuck shit shit all the way lah kann.
lastly. the kapal ride, again.its me and him je cuz ktorg duk heaven je lah cuz rase angin je.syok.
then MENAPAK la from tsq tuh ke klcc.bangang punye ngku kate dkat je la nique.bodoh.jauh babi kot.dah la hujan.masuk kuar sungai wang.masuk kuar pavi.masuk kuar convention centre.we all,the girls lahh had our own blisters and by the tyme smpi cnvntion cenre ony surau we all had to use plasters.heh.nana dah tak thn, n tuka flipflops tgh flops da la kotor gilaa.haih haih.then smpi je klcc, aaaah.HOME SWEET HOME.this is where m supposed to, first stop.MAKAN!as usual lah, ceyh, me and amir cm jauh sket from org.hurmm.then g masuk zara.ceyh! ans so i bought my very own half jacket.hee(: rm49.quite cheap lah kan.dah lame kot i usha tht thingy.ohkay.and the clock reach 9 smthing so we decided to go bck home.tym uh yg tnggl was me amir ngku ris meyl naa tam n iya(: so lrt.2 sentral, 5 bahagia and one kelana jaya. i scolded amir cuz he's lyk paying for all of them.haih haih.and inside d lrt, we were quite far from them.haha.and so we were lyk talking quietly and they were so noisy.hahahaha.wtv lah.its time for goodbyes but nvm lah kot cuz tomm ill be seeing him lg kan(:
at rumah iya plak.abg a'ei dy ade.we decided to sleep at iya's hse cuz the aprtment aleq duduk.haih.but its okay lahh.then g turun bwk makan mee curry.tgk kucing iya, VAIN, oh so tired.then i had to call kimal.and dy marah2 pastu kne hang up cuz its already 1215.its my bday.hee.the girls was so sweeeeeeeeeet.ade la cake se slice.and candle sebatang.hee.and everybdy ws lyk txting n clling me.ohh, trharu gle)': hehe.then kimal cl, sound2, gelak2, habes batt, tgk jgn pndg belakang skjp then i got scared & cntinued talking in the room.then TDO.
morning.rise and shine.heee.i was awaken by nana's voice talking to tasha and.yeah.its my bday.ready2, then off we go to klcc.
pnat lah type.later k?ke tak cite pon xpe.its all in my head.
loves.maxime. all started after me n nana went back fer tuition and wanna get ready for the long day.and night, of course.cuz we're sleeping at iya's hse! so first stop: KLCC.padahal pgy tsq.well, at klcc, we met amir(: and then he is being him, and tlg la bwkkn our stuffs yg berat mcm bom tuhh all the way frm klcc to tsq.naseb naek monorail.then when we got there cm blank2 nk bwt pe.then nmpk lah 4 org yg ttbe je jerit NIQUEEE!!.OMG, its tam ris meyl n first ngku was lyk malu2, haha, f3 kann.the guys were awkward, but we didnt care.we continued chattering and discussing how to get to the locker.haha, ris pon tukang bwk brg meyl, and ngku for tamm.heh.then dah jln2 tuh, yeah i stick by amir's side lah kan, as promised, takut dy cm sorang ke ape.then baam! we knock ourselves into lisa mard yaya ryla n razzan!
then, we entered the cosmo world, cam mahal lah gak.wtv pon, i got to see amir's ic yg tym dy buntal dulu and it was so like BEAR.haha comel je(: alryte.
first ride.the merry go round that goes up, round and round then, down.haha.i freaked out.but amir yg seblah i cm chill, so kene buat2 chill lah, tammy dah freak out cm gila smpi berzikir.hahaha.insaaaaaf kjap after that.hee.
then 2nd one.the dna mixer.kan?damn.that was the tym yang amir actually held my hands cuz i soooo freak out lyk hell.damn his hands were cold as ice. but after that i cm serious pening gle.and dy pon same, i know but to cntrl his macho, cm bwat cool lahhh.but then he's freaking mad cz last skali, fasiha's friend puked on him n it fell on his watch.he was so pissed off.
then there's this pusing2 thingy yg laju gell and org yang belah luar kene himpit tuhhhh.i was late.and amir decided that i yg kene himpit dy.hahaahaha.ngku, seating infront of us gelak mcm nak gile tgk i was lyk trying my best x nk himpit amir, cuz duhh, m heavy! ahahahaha.but eventually, i himpit dy lah sket je.hee.i gelak cm gile seeing mard trying to escape frm razzan yg nth buat2 cool ke mmg cool and tammy n nana yg dah berpeluk, ryla n iya's hair mcm WOW! hahahaha.
after ni cm rehat jap.its iya ryla lisa mard rzn ngku and amir (again!) to ride on the dna that tym ngku was crazy and amir, yeah goyang pon still kne cntrl macho ouhh.hahaha.muke iya x ley blah ouhh.mke mard cm nk nanges.lisa's hair.extra wow.aborigine siyall.heee.but after tuhh, i really did saw a major change in amir.serious pening ouh naek that thing.damn.
after that.the kapal2 and amir, facing meyl and ris.ahhahaha.u shud see the look on ris's face.gile half dead owh gandhi.aftr tht he didnt dare to ride on anything dah taw! haha.
then the haunted mansion.bangang punye haunted mansion.well, ngku yg bajet tuh pon lari mencicit, well, he's the 2nd group so dy dah chicken out so they hv to take rzn from the first group as the man in the group.well, the man in my group is amir.its me him iya n meyl.damn.machine menjerit lah kan.and amir was being so unafraid and i yg dah ckp mmg takut rumah hantu neyh, i screamed his name everytime i takut.damn.wht was i thinking.owho.he laughed all the way.hahahha.cilakaw pny haunted mansion.
next.roller coaster.haha.i naek ngan amir at first.he was lyk still pening2 from the dna mxr tu kot but after one ride dy da exited so he left my n ryla to go to ngku and said that they wnt stop until dpt duk dpn.but then this one tym cm lame gile smpi i ngan ryla nk ttdo dah tngu cuz evrywhere we go, there's it turned out memang xdpt duk dpn lah mereka tuhh, tamm n iya machine menjerit.ngku memang fuck fuck shit shit all the way lah kann.
lastly. the kapal ride, again.its me and him je cuz ktorg duk heaven je lah cuz rase angin je.syok.
then MENAPAK la from tsq tuh ke klcc.bangang punye ngku kate dkat je la nique.bodoh.jauh babi kot.dah la hujan.masuk kuar sungai wang.masuk kuar pavi.masuk kuar convention centre.we all,the girls lahh had our own blisters and by the tyme smpi cnvntion cenre ony surau we all had to use plasters.heh.nana dah tak thn, n tuka flipflops tgh flops da la kotor gilaa.haih haih.then smpi je klcc, aaaah.HOME SWEET HOME.this is where m supposed to, first stop.MAKAN!as usual lah, ceyh, me and amir cm jauh sket from org.hurmm.then g masuk zara.ceyh! ans so i bought my very own half jacket.hee(: rm49.quite cheap lah kan.dah lame kot i usha tht thingy.ohkay.and the clock reach 9 smthing so we decided to go bck home.tym uh yg tnggl was me amir ngku ris meyl naa tam n iya(: so lrt.2 sentral, 5 bahagia and one kelana jaya. i scolded amir cuz he's lyk paying for all of them.haih haih.and inside d lrt, we were quite far from them.haha.and so we were lyk talking quietly and they were so noisy.hahahaha.wtv lah.its time for goodbyes but nvm lah kot cuz tomm ill be seeing him lg kan(:
at rumah iya plak.abg a'ei dy ade.we decided to sleep at iya's hse cuz the aprtment aleq duduk.haih.but its okay lahh.then g turun bwk makan mee curry.tgk kucing iya, VAIN, oh so tired.then i had to call kimal.and dy marah2 pastu kne hang up cuz its already 1215.its my bday.hee.the girls was so sweeeeeeeeeet.ade la cake se slice.and candle sebatang.hee.and everybdy ws lyk txting n clling me.ohh, trharu gle)': hehe.then kimal cl, sound2, gelak2, habes batt, tgk jgn pndg belakang skjp then i got scared & cntinued talking in the room.then TDO.
morning.rise and shine.heee.i was awaken by nana's voice talking to tasha and.yeah.its my bday.ready2, then off we go to klcc.
pnat lah type.later k?ke tak cite pon xpe.its all in my head.
Friday, October 3, 2008
i actually hv flats,
believe me?adoy.yeah, i think m soo nt qualified to wear them cuz i am yeah, short.hurm.if i get to my wanted height, then i'll be able to wear those awesome flats wthout being ashamed of myself.hmm
raya?summary of this week, at kpg laah. my cousins are xtra2 cool, and i am soooo a credit eater, im too nice?, i did not stdy, although i did touch the book, yeah if i think properly, most probably the reason why iya is akng me to hang out on saturday bcos she's been stdying the whole damn week, dont u think? yeah. i agree. hm.but, the late night drive around klntn just to celebrate deng's bday wuz fun, and we nvr made it to the sq or 7E, cuz of the moment of truth. haha.gosh, i hate tht night. yes, n my unforgettable, stomch ache.hurmm.wht else?haha, yep, the bj raya was average?hee, kinda mean fer me to say tht, but well, i loved it nway, all the food was great, and and, my heels are the best((: nvm tht, 2nd day im just an ordinary girl at kuantan wearing kebaya wth jeans, god i loved tht! wee(: makes me feel girlish and boyish at the sme tym.uhuhh, and there wus ecm, yeah, the most hapenning mall, yep at kuantan, it is, and it is surely hugeeeee, i like((: i bought some stuffs, satisfied, but little cuz i hv to use my own money.grrr, well, i made home safely, but now, m having a headache plak.hehe
coming home is nt a prob, fcing whts home is certainly is. now tht i love pcd n i think avril is cute, hee, is tht a prob? no ryteee.n my creds are getting way way low, and i cnt bring my fone to sch, wht else cud be more worst?hurm.yeah knowing tht almost evryone in mys currently is hvng their disp pic in their bj raye, nt tht its a prob, just its fun to see thm, looking so, good.yeah, esp tht one.which claims had changed his topfriends so i went there to see, haha, im not there? not sad or frustrated, but surprised. maynn, it will nvr work. and whn i say ur hot ur hot ur hot, its true, hmm wht do i hv in mind? cnt spill. yeah, just simply because u thrown me out from ur funny,
sch re opens in 2 days, am i ready?nahh. its so a form one question. and yeah, xm starts in one week, dammit. my results fr midyr arnt tht gud, n ive got lyk 20 ppl to beat, and a lot more to impress.hurm.wht a tiring life, i just hope i cn print out money.and gosh, my sister;s annoying level had obv exeeed beyond te limit, very onnoying.very, urgh. and yeah i think i cud get a new mp4 fr my bday, hee, so i just hv to use my money, gee, i act am rich, to just buy a new cam.ths sat i think, for f3's banner also.uhuhhh.and talking bout annoying ness, my parents.hmm, they are lyk very suspicious of me and my fone, oh god.whn im actually talking to sumone, they cn go ryte nxt to me n listen.wt do u thnk?they cn just simply ask, whos tht ryteee, durh as if i want to lie bout who i am talking to. well, i soo miss the internet that i babble too much.haha.this is jz for a week.a week. but gosh, seriously, i cnt live wth my fone.dammit.seriously, i cant.hurmm.
thts all for now?nahh dn think so.later
raya?summary of this week, at kpg laah. my cousins are xtra2 cool, and i am soooo a credit eater, im too nice?, i did not stdy, although i did touch the book, yeah if i think properly, most probably the reason why iya is akng me to hang out on saturday bcos she's been stdying the whole damn week, dont u think? yeah. i agree. hm.but, the late night drive around klntn just to celebrate deng's bday wuz fun, and we nvr made it to the sq or 7E, cuz of the moment of truth. haha.gosh, i hate tht night. yes, n my unforgettable, stomch ache.hurmm.wht else?haha, yep, the bj raya was average?hee, kinda mean fer me to say tht, but well, i loved it nway, all the food was great, and and, my heels are the best((: nvm tht, 2nd day im just an ordinary girl at kuantan wearing kebaya wth jeans, god i loved tht! wee(: makes me feel girlish and boyish at the sme tym.uhuhh, and there wus ecm, yeah, the most hapenning mall, yep at kuantan, it is, and it is surely hugeeeee, i like((: i bought some stuffs, satisfied, but little cuz i hv to use my own money.grrr, well, i made home safely, but now, m having a headache plak.hehe
coming home is nt a prob, fcing whts home is certainly is. now tht i love pcd n i think avril is cute, hee, is tht a prob? no ryteee.n my creds are getting way way low, and i cnt bring my fone to sch, wht else cud be more worst?hurm.yeah knowing tht almost evryone in mys currently is hvng their disp pic in their bj raye, nt tht its a prob, just its fun to see thm, looking so, good.yeah, esp tht one.which claims had changed his topfriends so i went there to see, haha, im not there? not sad or frustrated, but surprised. maynn, it will nvr work. and whn i say ur hot ur hot ur hot, its true, hmm wht do i hv in mind? cnt spill. yeah, just simply because u thrown me out from ur funny,
sch re opens in 2 days, am i ready?nahh. its so a form one question. and yeah, xm starts in one week, dammit. my results fr midyr arnt tht gud, n ive got lyk 20 ppl to beat, and a lot more to impress.hurm.wht a tiring life, i just hope i cn print out money.and gosh, my sister;s annoying level had obv exeeed beyond te limit, very onnoying.very, urgh. and yeah i think i cud get a new mp4 fr my bday, hee, so i just hv to use my money, gee, i act am rich, to just buy a new cam.ths sat i think, for f3's banner also.uhuhhh.and talking bout annoying ness, my parents.hmm, they are lyk very suspicious of me and my fone, oh god.whn im actually talking to sumone, they cn go ryte nxt to me n listen.wt do u thnk?they cn just simply ask, whos tht ryteee, durh as if i want to lie bout who i am talking to. well, i soo miss the internet that i babble too much.haha.this is jz for a week.a week. but gosh, seriously, i cnt live wth my fone.dammit.seriously, i cant.hurmm.
thts all for now?nahh dn think so.later
Sunday, September 28, 2008
ahaha.finally.a decent looking blog sick and tired of my old but precious blog site.its hard to let go, but why so late?this is the time where i HATE TO WAIT! haha
so, first things first.why contagiously addicted?ahha.its because im so addicted to this song called so contagious by acceptance (: layan je lahhh weyy. kudos to ris fer that.hee xD
and yeah, speaking bout my old blog site, u know, yesterday i've written this very long blog tht i really liked but because it took so long to post it, i've decided to let it go.sad, isnt it?hm.
hm, idk.i realy have to lyk study my ass off this holiday.but i guess, my mum doesnt know bout it cuz she wuz lyk 'why the hell did u bring all this books home but ure not going to study it?'
and i wus lyk, 'i hv to mum!' but yeah, guess again, i didnt pon.but i really2 have to.seriously.damn! this exam will determine my
he's sick.and i cant do anything bout it.just wait.damn, im beyond angry.but he's in a mess now.and pls, find a way?u cant expect me to wait just like that?hm?i'm sick.ohkay.i have a flu.hahaha.this is all coming from anati lahh.she's one huge carrier of the flu bacteria.ngee. xD
whoa.this siyal.avenged sevenfold rocks(: esp this one, a little piece of heaven.haha.the vid clip really creeps me out.i think if im a child, i will definitely cry watching the vid clip.very, extreme i may say?hardcore gell.hee.but i like this line in the song 'Cause I really always knew that my little crime
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
And I know, I know it's not your time
But bye, bye.
And a word to the wise when the fire dies,
You think it's over but it's just begun
But baby don't cry
You had my heart, at least for the most part
'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
Let's make a new start
'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime (yeah)
But baby don't cry
ahaha.syokK wehhh.
just now, ive finished making his raya cookies.its called, biskut oat bulan (: hee. i bet my star will be ke? way, secret affair?hm friend came up with this statement.if a guy, picked his first girlfriend, the good one, i mean is that guy's first choice is kinda good, and all, but im not saying the first choice is perfect, just good. then, his 2nd choice, maybe they broke up or whtsoever, will be better then the before ryteeeee? most ppl will say yes.but wht if that guy decided to pick the 2nd girl from the bad category.for example that girl had plenty of exes, she is knows as a playgirl, and u know, she is not as good as the first girl question is now, WHY? wht makes the guy changed his mind so drastically.lagi2 lah tht guy pon.he's from a god fam.heh(: just wondering.weird aint it?
hee.gotta scoot.i hv tp pack the kueh raya(:
sok balik kpg, so maybe i wont be online in time fer raye, so wish awl lah.HAPPY RAYA(=
xx; maxime
so, first things first.why contagiously addicted?ahha.its because im so addicted to this song called so contagious by acceptance (: layan je lahhh weyy. kudos to ris fer that.hee xD
and yeah, speaking bout my old blog site, u know, yesterday i've written this very long blog tht i really liked but because it took so long to post it, i've decided to let it go.sad, isnt it?hm.
hm, idk.i realy have to lyk study my ass off this holiday.but i guess, my mum doesnt know bout it cuz she wuz lyk 'why the hell did u bring all this books home but ure not going to study it?'
and i wus lyk, 'i hv to mum!' but yeah, guess again, i didnt pon.but i really2 have to.seriously.damn! this exam will determine my
he's sick.and i cant do anything bout it.just wait.damn, im beyond angry.but he's in a mess now.and pls, find a way?u cant expect me to wait just like that?hm?i'm sick.ohkay.i have a flu.hahaha.this is all coming from anati lahh.she's one huge carrier of the flu bacteria.ngee. xD
whoa.this siyal.avenged sevenfold rocks(: esp this one, a little piece of heaven.haha.the vid clip really creeps me out.i think if im a child, i will definitely cry watching the vid clip.very, extreme i may say?hardcore gell.hee.but i like this line in the song 'Cause I really always knew that my little crime
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
And I know, I know it's not your time
But bye, bye.
And a word to the wise when the fire dies,
You think it's over but it's just begun
But baby don't cry
You had my heart, at least for the most part
'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
Let's make a new start
'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime (yeah)
But baby don't cry
ahaha.syokK wehhh.
just now, ive finished making his raya cookies.its called, biskut oat bulan (: hee. i bet my star will be ke? way, secret affair?hm friend came up with this statement.if a guy, picked his first girlfriend, the good one, i mean is that guy's first choice is kinda good, and all, but im not saying the first choice is perfect, just good. then, his 2nd choice, maybe they broke up or whtsoever, will be better then the before ryteeeee? most ppl will say yes.but wht if that guy decided to pick the 2nd girl from the bad category.for example that girl had plenty of exes, she is knows as a playgirl, and u know, she is not as good as the first girl question is now, WHY? wht makes the guy changed his mind so drastically.lagi2 lah tht guy pon.he's from a god fam.heh(: just wondering.weird aint it?
hee.gotta scoot.i hv tp pack the kueh raya(:
sok balik kpg, so maybe i wont be online in time fer raye, so wish awl lah.HAPPY RAYA(=
xx; maxime
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