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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Let's Talk

what most people might not know about me is that, im so damn easy.

yes. easy to please. that's what i mean. i'm not saying that i like that fact, but its true. just treat me, i'll love it. make me mad, just say sorry once, and i'll be okay. hang out with tons of girls, but stay true to me, its okay. but i'll still be jealous or mad, or i will sulk for days. who doesn't ? but it's not okay if you start to go over the boundaries. you know what i mean. hm. not all people are like that. guess being easy is not that easy afterall.

being hard is tough. especially if you're not that one who is hard. if you're dealing with a hard person, then, u're gonna face the most outmost challenge in your entire life. re schedule everything. not that i am saying being tough is not good. just that i, as an easy person, can't really understand the true in and out feelings of a hard person. and i wish to know. really. maybe the word is not hard. emm, its, its. emm. not that easy i suppose ? but not hard.

i don't quite know what am i rambling about. but this is one thing that i want you to know. tell me. as hard as you know that its hard for me to absorb change, during times and age like this, but please. just tell me. but if you hesitate, just don't. i don't enjoy being in a state like this. im not really sure. guilt ? or angry ? haa. sensing something, like i am played. being played like a fool. just, tell ? if m not satisfied, i won't tell you. haaa.

the arguments came almost everyday,

but i still love you anyway; maxime

everybody by ingrid michaelson

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fresh Freshies

this past week had been a blast for me :D woohoo. met a lot of new friends, a lot ! haha. the fassy's are grrrreatttt ! haha and its totally different here, and m impressed, for a person who doesn't want to go here at the first place, that's a good thing, i guess. well, i am a ROCK pun kan. XD haha

so classes dah start, woohoo ~ a little something bout my lecturers,

Mr Joan, English Lecturer, super cool :D haha, going to take us to a play next month. and just watched the movie, Dead Poets Society. cool, Carpe Diem ! :D literature ? hehe

Dr Chong ? Chemistry Lecturer. Very very fast. Superbly fast. we're done on chapters 1 and 2, whereelse everybody just finished on chapter 1. haha.

Dr Mumtaj Begam. Physics. i like, but, errr but. kinda hard to pick up on what she is saying. heh, must try again. fast.

lastly, Mr Jale. Pre-Calculus. he's great, but the subject's not so. haha. soo much to absorb, so little time.

hmmm. what else ? oh, well. mara. haihh. i did got the offer, but its for aviation or marine engineering at Russia. haha, andd Pre-U at UniKL, MIAT to be exact. buttttttt, there are complications, so its a no no (:

assignments ? okayla. getting heavier by the day. but then, time for loitering around until midnight is still there, first week kan, not that busy without the call labs and the tutorials. haha, nxt week ? wait and see.

oh yes, presenting,

girls from top, eleena me athira. boys from top, yusuf baal helmie (:

*ni gang kepala otak sama nih XD haha

and also,

atika and aisyah first row. suraya, me SYAZA and yani at the bottom.

going back today :D

with love, alhana

pulangkan by misha omar

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Close Enough

but im not there yet !


SOB SOB )': *where are you now ?*
*not sure ?

17th may

wish me luck for MARA, so that i can get out from UTP ASAP, hahahah XD

oh and VAD, not much hope left ? *sigh*

oh and

UK tak jauh ke alhana ?

jauhhh tapi. ermmm, i'll be back, don't you worry dear ;)

*yeah, life is like a bloody wheel.thoughts and feelings too, sometimes it goes up, you're happy, everything falls into place, friends love you, families together, you can smile and laugh, you're in love, you have money, you enjoy walking around with you loved ones, but when it goes down, you're sad, u have problems with your family, loved ones, you are broke you hate someone, you are crying, you'd been fired, and you don't even have a house to live in, you just CHILL. think back, someday, you're gonna get back up to the top, but it comes with EFFORT :D *

a knock from a pen that leaves me in pain like iron man 2 ; maxime

3 words by cheryl cole ft

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


P untuk penat. sangat penatttt.

P juga untuk lesen kereta P yang berwarna merah menyala yang garang gitu, selamat tertampal di atas cermin kereta Suzuki Swift yang handsome yang kian berhabuk akibat berhujan panas di bawah porch rumah ataupun di bawah pokok angsana yang tinggi lampai di hadapan rumah itu. ngehehe.

tidak perlu diceritakan kisahnya, kita terus ke markah, part best nii, 18/20. haha, walaupun bukan markah penuh, tetapi rasa seperti mahu frame dan gantung kan kertas jpj itu pada dinding bilik kini dan juga sehingga kahwin nanti supaya dinding turut merasa sedikit sebanyak kebanggaan tuan empunya dinding itu kerana telah berjaya menjadi seorang driver yang sah, wah wah, berbunga bunga hati ini sampai agak agak 100 ekar tanah pun tak cukup nak tanam, bayak sgt bunga. haha. tarikh harini, 1205, fuhh keramat keramat,

hati ini terlalu gembira sehingga sanggup meredah hujan ribut semata-mata hendak pulang dgn secepat mungkin dgn harapan ingin berjumpa dgn kekasih hatinya, yang ntah ya ntah tidak menunggu-nuggu kehadirannya itu. atau sekadar ingin membeli topup dgn secepat mungkin untuk membalas mesej yang bertubi-tubi, *sekadar hiperbola sahaja* takpelah. jam menunjukkan jari pendek ke kanan, dan jari panjang ke atas. dlm otak hanya berfikir, van mana kau, van mana kauu.

seletah dua jam menunggu, dan kelibat manusia di sekolah memandu itu sudah boleh dikira jgn jari, air mata sudah mula beraksi. mengada ngada nak keluar pahal ? otak turut memainkn video video yang tidak masuk akal seperti visual diri ku keseorangan di sekolah memandu yang kira kira 55 kilometer dari rumah, dan sekaliling yang gelap gelitaa, mengundang bahaya dan malapetaka, hishhh, cpt2 ku buang visual itu. merepek merepek. tepat jam 5, lebih sikit la kot, muncul lah sebuah van yang gah berwarna putih, yang pada awal pagi tadi memuatkan 10 orang pelajar, kini tinggal aku dah si jejaka yang tidak diketahui namanya, aku yang separa marah dan separah lega, kini sedar, apabila mengetahui bahawa jejaka yang tidak diketahui namanya itu adalah dari sesi satu. betapa sabarnya lelaki itu menunggu, tetapi aku yang hanya baru 2 jam menunggu sudah marah dan resah gelisah seperti adam tanpa amani. fuh, terbeliak mata sebentar.

*if you think that you are in the lowest point in your life, trust me, there are people who are lower than you. don't ever give up*

setelah sampai ke sekolah memandu di AU, timbul lagi satu masalah yang tidak berapa besar sebenarnya. saya ni, ada habit tau, nk tau ? kalau rumah saya dari sesebuah tempat tu tak jauh sgt, jauh, tapi tak jauh sgt pun, orang normal mesti naik kereta, kiranya jauh la jugak untuk berjalan kaki, tapi tidak la jauh sampai berpuluh puluh kilometer, hanya 5 kilometer dan ke bawah agaknya, saya ada perasaan yang sangat kuat untuk tetap berjalan kaki, merentasi highway, dah menerima hon hon yang kuat lagi menceriakan dari pemandu dan penunggang di jalan raya itu. mengapa ? satu, kerana menjimatkan kos, dua, kerana mahu saving, haa, sama bukan ?HAHA takdela, entah, menyihatkan badah juga(: atau sekadar mahu membuat experiment untuk mengisi masa yang terluang.

alkisah tadi pada pukul 6.00 ptg, setelah membeli topup dan mengira duit di dalam dompet yang tinggal beberapa helai sahaja wang kertas yang berwarna biru cair itu, walaupun tahu disebalik zip terdapat harta karun bernilai hanya lebih sedikit dari RM 49, tetapi sayang, jadi otak membuat keputusan untuk berjalan kaki pulang. harapan adalah untuk sampai ke rumah sebelum siri adamaya yang kian sedih itu bermula.

mata melilau, sedang kaki berjalan. eh, byk pulak taxi lalu lalang kat sini, jadi, anda tahu kesudahannya ? pulanglah nik alhana ke rumahnya menaiki taxi, helaian duit seringgit ada 7, nasib baik taxi charge 5.9 tapi saya ckp keep the change la uncle ! HAHA :D


where is the love ? by black eyed peas

Sunday, May 9, 2010


what more could i say ? it doesn't matter anymore.


haha XD

so, been enjoying myself with movies <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">

furry vengeance
funny, hilariousss haha and the last partt
effingly funny hahaha
reminds me of my dean XD
oh and, such smart animals, haha
and kinda stupid story, kinda :P
they give hints at each other like so freaking normal

iron man 2
mama's treat on mother's day :D
woohoo, eventho i didn't watch the first one, i quite enjoyed this one,
but at the middle, i felt that it was dragging my eyes to shut, means it kinda boring
but yeah, the lightings. cool
and the thing at the palm, super cool :D
robert downey jr.
i salute youu :D

oh but, the losers is better. hihi.

right now, i curently don't really have the passion to spend my money on shopping. haha, seriously, i'd rather spend it on food. this week, i ate anything i wanted to, muahahah :D because seriously, if i wanted to buy any clothing, i first i would have to set my mind that the thing im buying is cheap. for instance, a half jacket at Zara costs RM49, thats a huge amout of money but i consider it cheap because im in Zara, get me ?

okay enuff babling, got to go

high temperature ; maxime

i believe i can fly by R. Kelly

Friday, May 7, 2010

That's The Reason Why

the tears kept on falling as i slam onto her lap. its been a while, but the tears stayed for quite too short. not that the truth can't be swallowed, its the system that i am angry of. just say the damn truth, and be honest. hearts heaving, eyes buldging as it stared onto the monitor, without blinking even once. the silence continues, and without hesitation, the tears took charge, and so i wonder, where is the insensitive me ?

just a simple word of yes, or setuju to be exact, dont make me assume that u kicked me off, giving others with the no a room ? ohhh that can't be true. and does 25 years of working so hard makes any difference to you ? oh come on, its double anyway ! nothing to lose, yeah i know. but please, atleast be on time. and yeah, am i that bad ? or just because they have the power, or maybe the money, you straightaway put a cross to my face ?

and the dates kept on changing

i have other commitments, although i hate the word. please, not begging, just give me some not mad, no, i dont have the least of madness even in myself.

i'll wait, because, patience is virtue, right ?


L.O.V.E by frank sinatra

Monday, May 3, 2010


from left :




POOCH (behind)




so are you a loser ? maxime is not, definitely ;)

we're all in this together by high school musical