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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feeling bored ? Here's something you would like to see :)

Tronoh Theatre Shop UTP dengan kerjasama, JKKN, UTP dan Taman Budaya KL mempersembahkan

Karya Dr Shark dan Arahan Atul

Sinopsis: Cerita memaparkan keadaan sosial di satu lorong yang dihuni oleh gelagat pelbagai jenis binatang.Ketenangan mereka terganggu dengan pembunuhan seekor kucing Parsi di lorong tersebut. Mahkamah Lorong bersidang untuk mendakwa Gagak pembunuhnya. Gagak telah di dapati bersalah membunuh. Namun adakah benar gagak telah membunuhnya?

Mahkamah Lorong bongkar ketidakadilan. Mahkamah adalah tempat mencari kebenaran. Namun, ada ketikanya berlaku ketidakadilan dalam perbicaraan membuatkan seseorang tidak bersalah menerima hukuman.

Itulah tema diangkat dalam teater Mahkamah Lorong arahan Profesor Madya Dr Shamsul Rahman Mohamed Kutty (Dr Shark) dipentaskan di dewan serbaguna, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Perak, pada 19 dan 20 Februari lalu.

Menerusi teater dibintangi ahli Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS) itu, kisah ditonjolkan mengambil latar sebuah lorong, Jalan Sam Pah Tong yang didiami pelbagai haiwan.

Pelakon yang memegang watak Gagak, Syafiq Faliq Alfan berkata, kehidupan binatang di lorong itu berubah apabila berlaku insiden yang merosakkan keharmonian mereka.

“Terdapat pelbagai haiwan mendiami Jalan Sam Pah Tong termasuk Gagak, Kurap, Mak Ayam dan Parsi. Setiap haiwan membawa karakter tersendiri dan bertanggungjawab mengangkat mesej dalam setiap bait dialog.

“Suatu hari, pembunuhan Parsi seekor kucing mewah kegilaan Gagak dan Kurap menjadikan komuniti binatang itu kucar-kacir dan tertanya-tanya siapa yang membunuh Parsi,” katanya.

Menurutnya, hasil siasatan membawa kepada penangkapan Gagak yang kemudiannya dibawa ke Mahkamah Lorong untuk perbicaraan.

“Semua saksi dipanggil mengemukakan bukti yang menghala kepada Gagak sebagai pembunuh.

“Gagak tidak bersalah mengamuk, namun akhirnya Gagak dan semua binatang lain ditembak mati dalam Ops Gagak. Watak yang merancang semuanya, Mak Ayam yang didalangi lembaga hitam sebagai ‘master mind’ yang tidak diketahui hingga ke akhir pementasan,” katanya.

Karya dan arahan Ash dan Acab

Menampilkan persembahan mime (seni tanpa suara) dengan menjadikan lagu atau muzik sebagai medium penceritaan. Pastinya mencuit hati dan menghiburkan.

TEMPAT: AUDITORIUM TAMAN BUDAYA KL (Bersebelahan balai polis trafik Jalan Tun HS Lee)

16 JULAI 2011 (8.30 PM)
17 JULAI 2011 (3.00 PM)


Untuk tempahan sila hubungi:
Mila (013-9485545)



hello by martin solveig & dragonette

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Former Gangster

I miss you. The three words that for me, can be said to any of our friends, as a sign that we remembers their company, and long for time spent together, or just simply a feeling of belong. It's easy to have that feeling, but hard to express. Maybe because the reason is not quite right, or just we shouldn't miss the person that we miss. There are also many reasons to miss someone. Not just for their company, maybe because you just wanna hear their voice, or see their face or just simply saying hello and ask how are they doing.

It's true. You'll never know what you've got till it's gone. Or taken away from you. Treat everyone well but don't flirt around. Just a heads up.

maxime misses you

backseat by new boyz

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Need A Doctor

Well actually, what i need is a distraction. There are so many things going on in my life, and yes everyday is not the same as the other so i can't say my life is mundane. The environment changes, yes but the content, and the people, there are all the same. Things we talk about, and the things we do, its more or less the same.

Im not supposed to feel this way, you know, bored w my current situation or what, i just should focus towards my studies and neglect all the other distracting things.

On second thought, yeah, i really shouldn't wish for a distraction. That will add more problems in my life.

I just need an outlet. You know, a place to tell things. Usually i just tend to tell stories to my friends but i feel like it's bothering them. I shouldn't. And maybe im feeling this way is because of my surroundings, they're mostly couples or happy people w good results. Haha. Not all of them la kan. And yes i've chosen this blog to fulfill it but it's just inadequate. Haha. Typical humans, always not satisfied. Well.

I have my outlet, on second thought. Okaaay. Now this post is kinda funny. Full w second thoughts. Don't mind me, just wanted to post something to tell my followers im not gone just yet. Hihi. How are you people doing ? Just reply to this post if you read this yeaa. If you want to. Feels good if I can hear some news from you. Thanks for reading anyway, i know this post, or all of my latest post are quite boring cause it's all about me, not facts or interesting subject matter. I'll try hard later okay ?

Bye bye :)


haunted by taylor swift