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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Door

Yes, see that door? It opens up to a whole new world. There lies your future. Not exactly, it's the road to your future. It's up to you to go thru it or not. I can't promise it will be easy, but i can promise that it'll be worth it. You can stay here, in the present, being cool and calm all you want, cause that's all you will ever do. In order to go thru that door, you must leave all your fears behind. Leave all the procrastinations and the bad habits. Some might creep in, but we'll deal with them along the way. In there, you'll go thru hardships, pain, anxiety, anxiousness and even heartbreak. (maybe) But after all that, one thing I can promise you, you'll be able to smile. You know why? Because then you can finally tell yourself that you had worked hard for something and that something is finally yours. You can brag about it because you totally deserve it, but don't forget to thank Allah. For He is the one who created us to be this way, and we owe it to Him to be thankful for what we have.

Scared? Don't worry. *helds out hand* I'll help you. I'm scared too. We'll guide each other. Lets go thru it together :)

Hello, 2nd year 1st semester :) alhanasabrina

Monday, May 14, 2012


Lets have ice cream. Lets have a break.

A break from all the sorrows, all the joy that has been taken away from you, all the melancholy of life. A break from the unfolded clothes, piles of jeans and towels, scattered undies and all the necessities for one to continue one's day. A break from the warm smell of the morning coffee, greeting you to the day, freshly toasted bread, ready to be spread with butter, and the enticing smell of home cooked food. A break from the sound of your fingers gently tapping onto the keyboard of your laptop, or the sound of your fingers swiftly swiping the screen of your iPhone, or the sound of you chatting away with your best friend on the phone.

Lets not make other things matter than the two of us, just for the day. Lets stare at the sun, laugh at the wind, dance in the rain and jump in the snow.

Lets break the norm. Lets have coffee at night, warm milk in the morning. Lets have nasi lemak for breakfast, and roti canai for dinner. Lets ride the motorcycle when it's raining, and drive when it's all sunny. Lets sleep all day and talk all night. And most importantly, lets eat ice cream when it's cold and drink tea when it's hot.

Lets, before I have to fly back to one of my favourite place ever, where time will envy the sight of us together.

Lets; alhanasabrina :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hello sun
It's been a while
With your rays penetrating through my skin
I felt at ease
Even with three hours of sleep
I've never been more myself
Like I am now

"I need a hero, just in time. Save me just in time"

Counting days before Im going back to UTP. It's just like the old days. Where holidays are spent without guilt, and each day, without knowing, the day of fear itself is is approaching. And this ecstatic feeling, can't seem to put my finger on it. I'm nervous on starting a whole new chapter, but anxious on what lies ahead. While we are busy preparing stuffs and timetables, life is busy formulating hardships to be thrown upon us. Brace yourself, it ain't gonna be easy, said life.

I don't know what's gotten into my emotions lately. It's like it has a feelings on its own. One second im on cloud nine, hanging w the angels and them titans, then a second later im on mount everest, screaming my lungs out. Suddenly im in a dark corner, feeding the cats and talking to myself, and always im in this room full with scribbled words with unknown meanings. It's like my heart is being a jumper without me knowing it. And it seems like a cat has really got my tongue cause lately i cant seem to put my thoughts into words properly.

What am I talking about again? Lol


Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Post Number 282394

Life's profoundly generous
It gave me you
And its up to me to
Be there for you


I Believe (queued, for almost 2 months now)

The biggest lie is when you say that you will remember it without having to write it down. 

Found it somewhere, and I think it's true ;)

Memories, or maybe just things, when first known it will be stored in our conscious mind. After a period of time, after we recite it plenty of times, then only it goes to our subconscious mind. The things inside our conscious mind can consist of a name of a new friend, the road to a someplace new, or the lyrics to a new song. The subconscious mind ? Simple, your name, your age, your telephone number, the surah Al-Fatihah etc. These are the things that you can recall without having to put any effort onto it. And these memories will never be lost. (insyaAllah) This is one way to define conscious and subconscious mind. Usually people will say the conscious mind are the things that you do voluntarily, vice versa for the subconscious mind. You can learn more about it here.

So that's why we must write things down. Because we tend to forget it cause it's not in our subconscious mind.

I just wanna share a few things here. (mostly what i wanna improve on doing in UTP, but it's no harm to start from now)

1) Tahajjud. This, honestly, I rarely do cause of, yknow sleep and all that. If I can stay up to study, why can't I do the same to do Tahajjud ? But I have to sleep first, and then wake up during the last 1/3 of the night to perform tahajjud. I'll admit it, it's hard. But I shall try.

2) Recite Quran before sunrise. Well, here's another problem. Why ? Cause one, I was trained in TKC to recite the Quran after Maghrib prayers (cause that's the only time that we have) but then I really have to change that. Maybe change to reciting after Subuh only. Or both, If I can. InsyaAllah. Two, usually after Subuh I will straight away go back to sleep. (bad, I know) As for UTP, missing the 8 am class is normal (familliar much?) but this must change. One of the reasons why my grades are not that good is because of missing those 8 am classes. It's super hard I know because sleep is a vital aspect for me, but I must plant it in me to sleep less and do more awake time.

3) Pray at the mosque for Fajr. Guys especially. My mum once said girls are not likable to go to masjid alone, it could cause fitnah. So I shall wait till I get married then I can go w my husband ehehe gedik much :p

4) Dhuha Prayer. Another one. Oh Allah, there's so many weakness in me, help me to overcome them as I don't one to be one of your ignorant slaves :(

5) Sedeqah daily. Smiling is also a sedekah ey :) So don't be shy to smile. Ehehe. And i'm no saint, sometimes I see people at the pasar malam and I just walked by them. :( I hope Allah understands cause we are still students, not being able to have our own income so sedekah as you may :) Don't let it be a burden to you !

6) Always have wudhu'. There's this hadith or Quranic verse I can't quite remember it always appear on TV states that if that someone already has wudhuk from his/her last prayer, but he/she took another to perform the next solat, his/her sins will be forgiven. Or something like that. I am not sure about this so don't trust me on this. I'll try to find it kay ;)

7) Istighfar every chance you got. This i must must must remind myself. Because when m w my friends I tend to laugh excessively and it's so not good. And it also will protect us from doing any harm. Astaghfirullah.

That's that. It's more on the big stuffs. Some of the small small stuffs are

1) Tidying up the bed before class. Aha. This. Im trying to convince myself nowadays that im not quite a lady im im messy and if im messy no one wants to marry me :p ehehe

2) Calling my parents. This is specifically for utp. It's important to keep track on your family, esp your parents. Just imagine... I don't want to say anything bad here but you know what I mean right ? Just like my mum said, she has not been worrying about me at all since i started my long holidays, cause im like here all the time and it's good. But once i get back to utp, she'll start to worry again. And it's my job to make her stop worrying, by calling her everyday (or once every two days).

Well i've got some other stuffs in mind but i shall keep it to myself. We all have our personal daily reminders right? :)


Friday, May 4, 2012

Just things

#1 I hate it when people cut my queue (so sorry to all my tkc juniors, i know i did this to you girls), when people text and drive, and when people are being honk-prone. It just ticks me off.

#2 No matter how old you are, do watch your weight. Never ever let it creep. Before you know it, you'll reach an undesirable weight and it's tough as hell to tone down. Trust me.

#3 I am thankful that my parents forced me (or should i say, i willingly did it?) to eat my veggies since i was small. Really.

#4 Do not ever underestimate yourself. No matter what people say, you are not ordinary. You are born to do extraordinary stuffs. You have it in you. It just takes the extra push and self-believe to really convince yourself that you have it.

#5 I know you're all busy doing grownup things, but don't forget that your parents are growing too. They are growing old. Remember that.

Can't seem to put my full thoughts into words tonight. Guess my converter went down. Well, I better call someone to fix it then.

Till then; alhanasabrina

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What A Day

It started of like any other day. But it turns out the to one of the best-est day ever. Period :)

*rubbing eyes* i'm an old girl now? Whaaaat? Haha


(Syadia: Oh my I didn't recognize you. You don't look 20!)

Mr Tan! The seniors gave him a present: trip to Turkey w his family :) One of the most incredible teacher indeed.

Me, looking at the prestigious block B :D And seeee, that's my name :B

Oh yes. Dat pole. Lol. My favourite spot to play :DD I feel like a gymnast when m on this thing. Lol.

Nothing can beat the dining hall food. And yes, that dish. The salty fish (ikan masin? :p) w onions :D

"Di sini lahirnya pemimpin harapan agama, bangsa dan negara" PROUD! 

The memorable surau An-Nur :)

Beloved block B. Looking radiant than evahhh ;)

The tee that Huda gave me. Im sooo loving it ;) Thanks adik <3

And it ended w some family time. Guess which's my score? Ehehehe. Highest score evah.

And also, not to forget, char kuey teow from Mali's and Chatimeeee :D My day is complete. Alhamdulillah :)

Less words needed: alhanasabrina