so, names like Paul walker, angelina jolie, Vin diesel, isla fisher, brad Pitt, hugh dancy, tom cruise, Dev Patel.hmm, does that ring any bells in ur head?
well, for brings up 6 movies.
i enjoy watching movies okayy.
so now, the first movie is valkyrie.directed by brian singer, kudos to him.
"Many saw evil. They dared to stop it."
ahaha.thats for sure.well, i think it will be interesting cuz its adapted from a real event.but actually, it is!with tom cruise in it, what could possibly go wrong?hm.yeah, to think that i only watch that movie cuz of him, haha.yupp.i think i wouldnt watch it if it wasnt him playing the role of General Claus Von Stauffenberg.(:
the moral of the story: hmm, in life, a statement must absolutely comes along with a evidence but, a person must be uttermost brave to say a statement without an evidence, like him(:
next, the curious case of benjamin button.directed by david fincher.again, kudos(:
erm, this, it took me years to like this story.haha, sorry for the exaggeration, but, its not till the quarter end of the story the real brad pitt shows up.real, real.haha.yupp, so hot! i cnt deny. but gosh, im so not falling for him.yeah yeah, this story, its actually cool.and sweet(: sad actually.thinking he's growing younger on the outside but older inside, but it doesnt really matter, ryte? WRONG.haha.nice storyline uve got there.
the moral of the story: dont let go too early, and yeah, dont judge too early.andd dont ever stop trying.
Confessions of a shopaholic.directed by p.j.hogan.kudos kudos(:
"All she ever wanted was a little credit"
this one, hahaha.nik once told me that 'her boobs is friggin big! all i cn ever see was her boobs!haha' well, i cn agree with you, but i did see her face too, duhh.i cnt be caught staring at that for the whole time!HAHA.idk, my sister said i enjoyed it too much because i havent read the novel.haha, kinda lame a reading before watching this kinda thing, but i dont think it is a need?it is?well, pfft.wtv.i think she is not pretty, offense yahh.(: but the guy, goshh.oh whats his name, love his accent! yeah, hugh dancy(: and this is where i started to fall for guys in tuxedos with bowties, aahhhh.
okay okay.moral of the story: dont lie, yupp.and just be yourself.dont hope too much, oh and yess, before you buy anything, just ask yourself, 'do i need this?' shoutout to all shopaholics out there! :D
this one's my fav, slumdog millionaire.directed by danny boyle and loveleen tandan(india)
"Who wants to be a millionaire?"
haha, my mum n sister are so surprised why i really really enjoyed this movie.haha, idk.i just do.i think its educational :D haha, speaking of educational movies.hee, oh and dev patel?nice bod.very hot :D kinda colby o donis like(: its cool you know, how they can manage to think about the impressed.
the moral:everything in life teaches you something, so look clearly, even at the small small stuff.who knows, it can make you a millionaire?(;
alryte, this one.sad, changeling.directed by, clint eastwood.its based on a true story.another kudos(:
"To find her son, she did what no one else dared."
this is a story about a girl.cheyy.haha.about a mum and a son and the stupid LAPD.oh yes, it stands for los angeles police department.haha.sad, to think this is a true story.huhh, u'll be surprised when it comes to the end.what happen to the boy.oh yes, that red lipstick.that's the only thing that i cn see when i look at her, everytime! my mum will go crazy for that lipstick.haha, pfft.
the moral of the story is: know when to let go.umm, dont start a fight, finish it.ohh and, berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah :D
last, but not and furious 4, directed by: justin lin.KUDOS KUDOS~
the poster;
the hot paul walker(;
"New Model. Original Parts."
whoa this one.extra extra cool.well, who thinks this kind of movies are just for fun?obviously, it has a moral.haha, we'll get to that later.well, vin diesel, he might look tough, but inside, he has a soft heart.chey, i wirte like i seem to know him so well.haha, nope.i judge him thru his movies.haha, wtv, wtv.ignore me ryte there.yeahh, another hot guy, paul walker.typical guy, my taste(: this is actually the pre episode of tokyo drift, cuz at this movie, han's still alive.yeah, then he went to tokyo and die, remember?haha, life isnt always in a straight tagline:
"one kindness cannot erase a lifetime of wrong"
deep, isnt it?((:
well, thats the learn enuff yet? :D
i love youu(;
1 comment:
ilyt (:
and hey hey hey,
obviously laa u can see her face,(DUH!)haih -_-"
good holidays eh?
6 movies.WOW.I only did 2-3 after I met u kot? haha :DD
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