mistakes: no such thing as you lost it all, God knows were human after all
change: we cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails
words of wisdom from a wise friend, thankyou(:
yesterday i baked some cupcakes
since my mum mmg dah reti how to do it, with the icing and all
so after shopping for all sorts of nozzles, we started making it
actually, she's d one whos making it, m d one who's decorating it only(:
dah la she ended up didnt put the sugar skali, so it turned out wrong
bila bake tu
dy naik macam gila
so we had to cut off the top
so it'll become flat je top
or else, cmne nak letak icing kan?

so here's my first one
for a beginner, superb lah kan!
plus, we didnt have much colour, only pink, cream and chocolate.but it all tastes the same: lemon! not bad whatt.
leceh la tapi nak tuka2 nozzle, trust me!
but we had to, or else, one colour je lahh!
and its messy habis lah kann
so all in all, please do appreciate cupcakes bakers :D
"if u like sum1, n want her 2 b urs..juz go n get her..dun make it uncertain.. itz gonna make her nuts..and be consistent, that'll make her truly urs..
n dun kill her hopes or urs, cuz words will leave a deeper cut rather than swords..
itz no game,cuz it involves hearts n souls..
d joy n pain of it,is truly precious n that makes us all human".
icing tuh cam xstraight jehh...tangan ketar2 ehhh?hahaha
nak satuuuuu!!
ketar x ketarr..
aku xkesah..
jgn tgk rupa laa..
rasa lg penting..
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