date: 121209
theme: pink
i woke up in the morning, feeling yucky with mardieq and am by my side.
off to the showers, so in a blink of an eye, i became myself again, fresh(: ahha
then we picked the clothes for me to wear during the so called birthday party and we went downstairs to help.
the first person that came was amir.ahha.i freaked out since i had not yet change my clothes since it was only err, 12 or smthng?
a funny thing happened, haha.he took one cupcake, then he wanted to shake hands with my mum, then the cupcake fell, into my mum's roses.thank god it was fake roses.hahahhaa, god he was shy! ;P
the he hung around for awhile, while am and mardieq took some pictures of him and myself with am's nikon D90, and plus.he gave me another birthday present, which i highly objected, but he strongly insist.gosh, this guy, i cud not thank him enuff for all that he had done.heh, but anyway thank youuu(: you have made my life more, delighted :D
anywayss, we continued to decorate the house and make it ready.there were some pink balloons, and gosh.we were in hell while blowing up the balloons yesterday as it was so hard to tie up.idk why, but atleast we manage to tie up umm, lets say 20 i guess?haha.
the first batch came, which was collegians, and they made hell of a noise.haha, typical us(: they went to pray at my room, and then the second batch arrived.again, the collegians(: *smiles* there were so many of them.gosh i missthemsoooeffinmuch! and and, theres this story, abt bean, mummy and carrot, wanted to bring a very big and alive birthday present for me, but he didnt came, cuz he was shy! *aww* but but but, he send his regards to me! *wide huge grin* :DDD
okay okay, after we sang the birthday song and all, its bon apetite time! the girls, as usual lah kan, serang the food, like college((: then,
spotted, A with H playing at the swing beside S's house.
hahaha. kantoi! but they were waiting for the others to come, so like, nvm.em em, then the first batc of the guys came, along with the sspians, aha.first time weyh jumpa :D bey was nice.ayzie was like, sweet.and nara too.heh.then i walked pass razzan and ghandi, and they were like, 'haziq haziq?' haha.i was speechless, and nervous?blaaah.pfft.
okay okay, then eat eat eat.then, the collegians have to leave.aww, so sad! :(
then iya came, along with eng.qeesh came, along with his super funny and funny petbro, fazlan.and and not to forget, a photographer.hehs.we were playing at the playground, and razzan signalled me that he too, wanted to leave.and then, and then,
spotted 3 guys, one was wearing pink, and the others were in stripes, walking towards S's house
i freaked out.and ran away, hiding myself in the was haziq, lucas and hafiq.godd.then i escorted then in, with my head buried behind am's.haha.
he was cute.
he was cute.
he was cute.
he was super cute.
he was super cute.
he was super cute, wearing pink :D
he was cute.
he was cute.
he was super cute.
he was super cute.
he was super cute, wearing pink :D
enuff said.
pity my friends, cuz they were still at the bus stop beside my house, waiting for a taxi.
then i have to bring them to carrefour for a taxi, its 6 by that time.then, it was only me, mardieq and those three musketeers.haha.
wangsa walk.
such a boring mall.pardon me lah, without the bowling and the tgv and the fos, think, its super boring.
he wanted to buy me TL's flipflop, but im running out of time.sorry):
one time where he pulled my hand out of nowhere, cuz we were both on the phone, cute! haha.i kept on repeating that sentence, didnt you notice?
he's cute, but he had to for mardieq, kesiaaaaan sgt kat die, cuz kena buli dgn hafiq and lucas.grr, hafiq was so damn annoying lah.but they were nice cuz they spend mardieq rotiboy yg saaaangat sedap! hehs.i had to go back home early cuz my cousins were home.
so thats the end of the day.presents, wow.thank you thank you thank you ((:

my friends, nothing compares to the joy that u bring to my heart, and whenever i think abt you, no doubt that i will always, and will keep on, smiling (:

fida.wanorq.alyn.mummy.dybb2 dan adik.bean.carrot.ny.iya.ryla.lisa.buje' ameyl.nara.ayzie.bey. amir.fazlan.the photographer.razzan.ris.abboy.hisyam dan adik.adib.haziq.hafiq.lucas.
any other leftouts?tell me eh.hehs.
with much love and care, xoxo, alhana(:
nique(madu aku)~
ble boley aku claim phone aku ?
mmmng bwat lawak btolla dlm train tu
ingtkn da jd mangsa da
hahaha, maluu nyeee amir, ahhaha
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