honestly, i like it.actually i tend to get chills for movies or stories that have creepy soundtracks or scary scenes, and yes, this movie totally gave my the freaks.but nevertheless, the ending was perfectly SHOCKING, i can tell you.you can never expect it to happen.and yeah, being the one who is always blank, i didn't expect it either until the beans are out from the bag.hahaha, funny though, how the little act of lying can change a girl's heart from loving the one guy to saying FUCK YOU right at his face.well, serves him right tho.
anyway, thats all for this post.but there's more.there is one more thing that totally gives me the freaks and goosebumps and all the sweat on my face right now, its the freaking SPM RESULTS.
yeah.its been a long time since i've mention that in any of my posts.yes ? and yeah, i've been having the 3 month holiday that any student could ever dreamed of.and yes, sadly its going to end soon.not soon enuff i think cuz if im going to college anytime soon, it will be in july, i think.well, they say its on the 11th of march.oh well, just pray, pray, that i will get the 10A+, insyaAllah, and also to my wonderful batchmates, Transcenders 0509, altogether 128, may the 10A+ and 9A+ will be in our hands, and will make our school, tunku kurshiah college, and also, bonda, very very proud of us.
plus, can't wait to see all of you girls again.ohh, the laughter, the giggles, and the jokes we had.its been a long time since i had that college jokes.and yes, after that, everyone's going to grow up the same way, but in different directions.just hope that we will not forget each other along the way :D
so as for now, im going to relax my brain, and prepare myself, mentally, physically, and spiritually for the big big day that will determine my future.oh god. * big sigh*
maxime, na221a015 :)
fashion disaster btol -.-" serious cuak weyh. can't wait to see u too :)
ngeng btol -.-" buat cuak je
alhana :)
serious rindu nk jumpa kau
n kau mmg berjaya meningkatkan lagi degree kecuakkan aku!
lets pray for the best laa okayh ;D
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