Everything you do in life is a risk. Like entering a new school. Picking a course that you don't actually know anything about. Moving to a new town. Meeting new people. Saying things about yourself in your interview. Making jokes. Sitting for an exam. Buying clothes. Trying a new flavour from your usual bubble tea shop. Entering a competition eventho you know that you are already good enough innit. Even that, it's a risk. Trying bungee jumping. Eating a new type of food. Going someplace new. And falling in love.
You may say you're scared to do them. What if you fail? What if you chicken out the last minute? What if people laugh at you? What if it's temporary? What if you don't like it? What if you can't fit in? What if you don't look good innit? What if he's not the one for me? All of these nerve wrecking questions (and more) starts to enter your mind once you start to take a risk. And those thoughts lead you to uncertainty and second thoughts. Which is, at certain times, badddddddd.
The part were people missed out are the thoughts that are actually positive. People nowadays spend so much time worrying about things that they don't notice the positive thoughts that flooded their mind at the same time the negative does. What if you succeed? What if you act brave? What if people support you? What if it's there to stay? What if you love it? What if the people likes you? What if you look your best innit? What if he's the one for you?
And all of those questions (and more) won't be answered if you don't take risks. Even the tiniest things, like trying a new cookie. Or wearing a green pants. It's new, it's weird to you, but what if you might actually like it? What if it brings more good than bad? Then you could go on in life regret-free and be happy with it. And OF COURSE, this only applies to things that are not against your religion, your belief, or your parents' orders. And for those who are married, you husbands' orders too. Haha. Try stuffs, but there are limits to it, of course.
I'm saying this to all of you to comfort myself actually. Cause I am scared. And right now I need to focus more on my positive thoughts more, but still, considering my negative ones. Fear is not a bad thing, it's just your nervous system looking out for you :)
Just read Arre's blog right here, and decided that I wanna share my current lullaby too! Hihi. Here it is :)
p.s: Oooouh talking about RISK, i wanna play the board game. anyone wanna teach me? Hihi
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