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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Door

Yes, see that door? It opens up to a whole new world. There lies your future. Not exactly, it's the road to your future. It's up to you to go thru it or not. I can't promise it will be easy, but i can promise that it'll be worth it. You can stay here, in the present, being cool and calm all you want, cause that's all you will ever do. In order to go thru that door, you must leave all your fears behind. Leave all the procrastinations and the bad habits. Some might creep in, but we'll deal with them along the way. In there, you'll go thru hardships, pain, anxiety, anxiousness and even heartbreak. (maybe) But after all that, one thing I can promise you, you'll be able to smile. You know why? Because then you can finally tell yourself that you had worked hard for something and that something is finally yours. You can brag about it because you totally deserve it, but don't forget to thank Allah. For He is the one who created us to be this way, and we owe it to Him to be thankful for what we have.

Scared? Don't worry. *helds out hand* I'll help you. I'm scared too. We'll guide each other. Lets go thru it together :)

Hello, 2nd year 1st semester :) alhanasabrina

1 comment:

aRinarRe said...

walliao da 2nd year. All the best Que! <3