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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Key: you

Saying and quotes may mean a lot of things, but mainly it is to teach us. And aren't human such intricate beings? The ones who He had made each different on the inside, yet similar on the outside. I believe that, no matter what other people say or do, what you say or do gives the most impact in your life. 

Because i believe, in every problem, there are plenty of right answers, but only 1 which is closest to the real answer. But if the person choose to believe in some other solutions, so be it. It is his choice. His stand. And that goes a long way. Even in Islam, there are 4 schools of fiqh! Not saying that only 1 is correct, all are correct, it just differs in opinions and point of views. 

To what he believes tastes good, he'll stick to that eventho there's something better. 

To what he hates so much, he'll hate forever eventho there's still good in the thing he hates

So what am i trying to say exactly? Things tht we believe in, paths and choices that we choose, it doesnt mean that it's the truly ultimate truth. Try and look around, maybe you'll find something better. Maybe you'll find something new to deal with your problems. You nee to reset your beliefs some times. Even countries need election, so what more you? 

I always tell myself something on repeat if i wanna get it stuck inside my head. Maybe the way i deal things were different, and now in the process of becoming better. Maybe the way i think before is the same and mundane, and now in the process of changing the way that I think. It is hard, because how can you exactly change something that is so hardwired on you that you can't even see it? 

But please, by all means. Stick to your principle if you want. I myself am finding it hard to believe what i'm repeating to myself every single day. But i need to try and suck it in, because i wanna believe that it's the best for me :)



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