i think im addicted to cute THINGS.yeaa.and what makes me addicted to it u may ask.ahaha, duhh.its their cuteness!
just since 3 days ago when i went to terawikh i cnt stop myself from staring at my long lost bestfriend's little sister.crazy as it seems, she seemed so sute.with cute little eyes nose and mouth.and her gestures, aaaah.very cute! i knew them, name and all, but lets not mention names here, ayte? mind, she is only stndrd bape tah, m not quite sure.but, comel laaa! and yet, today just as she passed by me, she smiled(: and that makes my terawikh worthy.HAHA, kidding!.and the 2nd time she passed thru me, her sister lead the way, and poked me two times at the back.she followed, also poking me at the back.ahh, how cute can that be?
this same goes to am's little sister ahdia, who seemed like a real life cartoon.cute and all.OMG if i were to have a child, i will refrain them from ever growing up!hahaa, but thats not possible, is it?
yea, and also, for cute things, or cute actions.like for example, couples madly in love with each other, sweet movies, the proposal story, u know wheat i mean, not ryan reynold's the proposal, just any proposal! its cute, and also sweet at the same time.goshh.
but that doesnt apply to guys, okay!guys out there, if ure cute, sorry! ure rejected.hahaha.i only take handsome guys.to name a few fahrin ahmad, tom cruise and ryan reynolds himself((: oh and and, ewan mc gregor, eventhough he's old.and dont forget my all time star, cristiano ronaldo(: they are all hot and handsome guys! ((:
such a waste cuz m going back tmrw; maxime.
- alhanasabrina
- Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
comment moderation
its been quite a while, ahha (not really actually, its just 2 days)
no tazkirahs for now cuz ive not been going for trwkh for 2 days pun ( i have my excuses for that)
which are
yeaa, but i did do terawikh kat rumah ye((:
and there's been some movies to.i mean, two movies.angels and demons and bride wars.yeaa.two diff ones.
angels and demons.well, if you havnt read the book(qute like myself) you probably wonder whats illuminati right from the moment u start to watch it till the end.but eventually, u'll get the picture la.i think the story's cool.with the 4 elements, fire water earth and air.and the thing, ape ehh panggil/.
its like that.they 'cop' it onto the chests of the 4 elements which died tragically.cruel, is the word.but yeah, every story has a twisted storyline of their own.u wouldnt expect it from this one.ha-ha.
ahh, u know, this camerlengo patrick is the bad guy in this story, but i love him anyway.the cliche part is, he is ewan mcgregor.doesnt ring any bells?haha.he is obi wan kenobi in star wars, lincoln six echo in the island and he also plays catcher block in down with love.no wonder i had a thing for him(;
i will give this movie 3.5/5(:
bride wars.well, at first, their friendship had me in awe.but when it gets worse, plus, even their husbands dont understand whats the thing abt weddings(pfft, GUYS!) im starting to get bored.its too cliche.haha.and the fight, it was too short.grenng, not that i wish for it to be longer, but tech, girls dont fight sekejap.i meant the fight at the plaza laa, where they got married.watch it fer urself.but its a must watch movie with your bestfriend childhood friend, if youve got anything planned for both of you in the future.they were as close as isi and kuku i cn tell yaa(:
and last, its all abt ego la jugak.u dnt wanna lose ur dream, but instead lose some if the beauty of it cuz ur friends not there?well, to tell you the truth, even bestfriends cant share the same wedding day.haha
but the pranks they made for each other, was extra cruel.liz tanned emma as if she had been sunburnt.then emma coloured liz's hair blue.well, that was one of it.before that, emma sent plenty and plenty of chocs, fudges, and cookie to liz, as if its from her boyf, just for liz to get fat so that she cant fit into the vera wang dress that emma had been craving for.liv sperad a rumour tha emma's pregnant, emma crashed into liz's bacholerette party, and won the hell out of it.but the last prank was unforgivable.liz wanted to reverse it, but her stupid maid of honor which is a guy (dangg!) refused to changed it becaouse if god knows what reasons.ha-ha.
but actually, this all became a story when their wedding planner agency (marion st. claire)'s secetary angela, mixed up both of their dates.so none of them want to give up their dates, so they ende up being rivals and trashing each other's wedding.
aaa, bean, m no good at making a review, this is my best i guess.haha.no time.see you(:
p/s: nice one manchester united.u showed the gunners with or without ronaldo, u're still HEBAT! HAHA
no tazkirahs for now cuz ive not been going for trwkh for 2 days pun ( i have my excuses for that)
which are
- pening kepala cuz tido lambat bangun awal (kat coll bole je kan? ;P)
- nak study, ahha.konon la, but im stuck reading my novel.pfft
yeaa, but i did do terawikh kat rumah ye((:
and there's been some movies to.i mean, two movies.angels and demons and bride wars.yeaa.two diff ones.
angels and demons.well, if you havnt read the book(qute like myself) you probably wonder whats illuminati right from the moment u start to watch it till the end.but eventually, u'll get the picture la.i think the story's cool.with the 4 elements, fire water earth and air.and the thing, ape ehh panggil/.

Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: Christianity's most sacred codices are in that archive. Given your recent entanglement with the church, there is a question I'd like to ask you first, here, in the office of His Holiness.
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: . Do you believe in God, sir?
Robert Langdon: Father, I simply believe that religion...
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believe in God.
Robert Langdon: I'm an academic. My mind tells me I will never understand God.
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: And your heart?
Robert Langdon: Tells me I'm not meant to. Faith is a gift that I have yet to receive.
ahh, u know, this camerlengo patrick is the bad guy in this story, but i love him anyway.the cliche part is, he is ewan mcgregor.doesnt ring any bells?haha.he is obi wan kenobi in star wars, lincoln six echo in the island and he also plays catcher block in down with love.no wonder i had a thing for him(;
i will give this movie 3.5/5(:
bride wars.well, at first, their friendship had me in awe.but when it gets worse, plus, even their husbands dont understand whats the thing abt weddings(pfft, GUYS!) im starting to get bored.its too cliche.haha.and the fight, it was too short.grenng, not that i wish for it to be longer, but tech, girls dont fight sekejap.i meant the fight at the plaza laa, where they got married.watch it fer urself.but its a must watch movie with your bestfriend childhood friend, if youve got anything planned for both of you in the future.they were as close as isi and kuku i cn tell yaa(:
and last, its all abt ego la jugak.u dnt wanna lose ur dream, but instead lose some if the beauty of it cuz ur friends not there?well, to tell you the truth, even bestfriends cant share the same wedding day.haha
fletcher: a double wedding! that'll be great.but, if you're smart enuff, u cn probably see the ending.i knew it was coming.harhar.
emme: i shared my whole life with liz.cant i get a day on my own?
but the pranks they made for each other, was extra cruel.liz tanned emma as if she had been sunburnt.then emma coloured liz's hair blue.well, that was one of it.before that, emma sent plenty and plenty of chocs, fudges, and cookie to liz, as if its from her boyf, just for liz to get fat so that she cant fit into the vera wang dress that emma had been craving for.liv sperad a rumour tha emma's pregnant, emma crashed into liz's bacholerette party, and won the hell out of it.but the last prank was unforgivable.liz wanted to reverse it, but her stupid maid of honor which is a guy (dangg!) refused to changed it becaouse if god knows what reasons.ha-ha.
but actually, this all became a story when their wedding planner agency (marion st. claire)'s secetary angela, mixed up both of their dates.so none of them want to give up their dates, so they ende up being rivals and trashing each other's wedding.
aaa, bean, m no good at making a review, this is my best i guess.haha.no time.see you(:
p/s: nice one manchester united.u showed the gunners with or without ronaldo, u're still HEBAT! HAHA
Thursday, August 27, 2009
this is from ustaz firdaus.whoosh, his slang.kedah eh?pekat heck.oh well
one question;
well, im sure the answers are all in ur mind.and a little bit of hypothesis here, the higher darjat the guest is, the higher value we treat them.isnt that true?
yeaaa, so its d same goes for Ramadhan.pretend, we have a very very grand guest, His name is Ramadhan al-Mubarak.what would you do to welcome him?
so that will come to reciting zikir, reading al-quran, doing solat terawikh, blablabla, the list goes on.
one more question,
obv, the first one.kan?
so referring to my previous post, mcacm usain bolt, we must treat this ramadhan till the very end.dont slow down.every thing has its own protocol, and Ramadhan has its own too.and it is,
so, fellow Muslims, lets berebut to get the greatness of the nights, okay?as much as you crave for that new iphone 3GS or that 10A1s, or whatever pun, you should be doing the same thing for Lailatul qadar.
till then, maxime.
one question;
how do you treat your GUEST when he or she is coming to ur house?
well, im sure the answers are all in ur mind.and a little bit of hypothesis here, the higher darjat the guest is, the higher value we treat them.isnt that true?
yeaaa, so its d same goes for Ramadhan.pretend, we have a very very grand guest, His name is Ramadhan al-Mubarak.what would you do to welcome him?
so that will come to reciting zikir, reading al-quran, doing solat terawikh, blablabla, the list goes on.
one more question,
when it comes to ur visitor, do you treat him 100% till the end or do you treat them sekadar hangat-hangat tahi ayam?
obv, the first one.kan?
so referring to my previous post, mcacm usain bolt, we must treat this ramadhan till the very end.dont slow down.every thing has its own protocol, and Ramadhan has its own too.and it is,
DONT STOP TILL THE ENDthe last 10 days are the most precious ones, ive been repeating this for several times now, there is one night, malam lailatul qadar, as we call it.it has greatness that is far greater than 1000 months.
so, fellow Muslims, lets berebut to get the greatness of the nights, okay?as much as you crave for that new iphone 3GS or that 10A1s, or whatever pun, you should be doing the same thing for Lailatul qadar.
till then, maxime.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
how much do you value keberkatan in your lives?well, collegians.im sure they do know a little bit bout that.
what is keberkatan actually?
from this special someone, it means its something that we do that will last long and give benefits to us.
when we have keberkatan to a thing that is small, it will become big
when we have it to a big thing, it will give benefits to us
and when its at the maximum, it means that we are able to use the keberkatan towards Allah path.
let me tell you 4 from the 8 things that will bring keberkatan to us.here goes
He once said that if a group of ppl bertaqwa to him, He will give them the keberkatan.
a simple example, for one.doa makan
allahumma bariklana fii ma razaqtana...
it means, Ya Allah berikanlah keberkatan kepada makanan kami, dan..
do you understand? there is a thin line between those who gets the keberkatan, and those who not.
for example, saying thank you and dont ever make remarks.okay?
lyke, we know, if we korek hidung or telinga (mind the words, haha), akan batal puasa ryte, but few ppl realize that its their words or actions that will make the pahala puasa kurang.
so, accept with grace, and say thankyou, even if you dont mean it.fake it till it happens.and if it revolves around food, no matter how you dislike the dish, eat it.a little tiny bit wont kill.haha((:
okay, maybe were still kids and zakat is none of our business, yet.but when it becomes our responsibility, do it well, ayte? the best time to give: give things when the things are with you and when you are in a state of kedekut.yess, refraining ourselves to not to give.get what i mean?haha.ayt a little bit untidy i know.hehs.fight the feeling, just give! (:
thats the four.more, but time envies us.cheyy.ade jugak 15 things that could take away the keberkatan.but the ustaz said, next time folks.haha.so i guess, kena tunggu, or cari je la sndry.its not that hard, rytee((:
its what our beloved prophet said, the aftermath of Ramadhan.so, do well in this month.(:
how much do you value keberkatan in your lives?well, collegians.im sure they do know a little bit bout that.
what is keberkatan actually?
from this special someone, it means its something that we do that will last long and give benefits to us.
when we have keberkatan to a thing that is small, it will become big
when we have it to a big thing, it will give benefits to us
and when its at the maximum, it means that we are able to use the keberkatan towards Allah path.
let me tell you 4 from the 8 things that will bring keberkatan to us.here goes
1) bertaqwa kpd Allah
He once said that if a group of ppl bertaqwa to him, He will give them the keberkatan.
2) berdoa
a simple example, for one.doa makan
allahumma bariklana fii ma razaqtana...
it means, Ya Allah berikanlah keberkatan kepada makanan kami, dan..
do you understand? there is a thin line between those who gets the keberkatan, and those who not.
3) menerima barang dgn baik
for example, saying thank you and dont ever make remarks.okay?
lyke, we know, if we korek hidung or telinga (mind the words, haha), akan batal puasa ryte, but few ppl realize that its their words or actions that will make the pahala puasa kurang.
so, accept with grace, and say thankyou, even if you dont mean it.fake it till it happens.and if it revolves around food, no matter how you dislike the dish, eat it.a little tiny bit wont kill.haha((:
4) belanjakan harta dijalan yang baik dan keluarkan zakat
okay, maybe were still kids and zakat is none of our business, yet.but when it becomes our responsibility, do it well, ayte? the best time to give: give things when the things are with you and when you are in a state of kedekut.yess, refraining ourselves to not to give.get what i mean?haha.ayt a little bit untidy i know.hehs.fight the feeling, just give! (:
thats the four.more, but time envies us.cheyy.ade jugak 15 things that could take away the keberkatan.but the ustaz said, next time folks.haha.so i guess, kena tunggu, or cari je la sndry.its not that hard, rytee((:
moga2 kamu bertaqwa
its what our beloved prophet said, the aftermath of Ramadhan.so, do well in this month.(:
1. Talk to a boy or girl you like?:
*i like?no
2. Learn anything new?
*for sure
3. Talk to an expert?
*my dad?ahha
4. Miss someone?
*not much
FACTS: Last Person Who
5. Laid in your bed other than you?
*my teddies
6. Made you cry?
*the watch
7. You went to the movies with?
*haha the batch(:
8. Went to the mall with you?
*meen ny anat naa donn ged((:
9. You showered with?
10. Said they loved you?
*my sister
FACTS: General stuff
11. Wheres your favorite hangout?
*anywhere with myfriends !
12. What are you most scared of this second?
*SPM ! dush2
13. Does anyone like you?
*idts? hehs.
14. Have you ever farted?
*not in public, cehh
15. Are you lonely right now?
*haha, nopeee.
16. Song stuck in your head right now?
*heartless by kris allen (poor poor kanye)
17. Been on t.v or radio?
18. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
19. What color shirt do you have on now?
*black itu kemas(:
20. Name three things that you do every day?
*eat sleep pegang buku
21. Whats your favorite show?
*wipeout! haha
22. Who got you to join blogspot?
*my old blogsite
it way too slow.hehs
23. Wish someone was next to you this morning when you woke up?
*err, no?
24. What web site do you visit the most?
25. Do you have plants in your room?
*used to
a cactus, and it died.
go figure
26. Who was the last person to hug you?
*my name?
*outside my house
*to that person
*neutral laa
*purse, it contains money
*with friends? okay jeaaaa
*yeahh of course
*a very cute cat
adored by a loving owner
tagged by lisa.so i'd tag AZIM.haha
*i like?no
2. Learn anything new?
*for sure
3. Talk to an expert?
*my dad?ahha
4. Miss someone?
*not much
FACTS: Last Person Who
5. Laid in your bed other than you?
*my teddies
6. Made you cry?
*the watch
7. You went to the movies with?
*haha the batch(:
8. Went to the mall with you?
*meen ny anat naa donn ged((:
9. You showered with?
10. Said they loved you?
*my sister
FACTS: General stuff
11. Wheres your favorite hangout?
*anywhere with myfriends !
12. What are you most scared of this second?
*SPM ! dush2
13. Does anyone like you?
*idts? hehs.
14. Have you ever farted?
*not in public, cehh
15. Are you lonely right now?
*haha, nopeee.
16. Song stuck in your head right now?
*heartless by kris allen (poor poor kanye)
17. Been on t.v or radio?
18. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
19. What color shirt do you have on now?
*black itu kemas(:
20. Name three things that you do every day?
*eat sleep pegang buku
21. Whats your favorite show?
*wipeout! haha
22. Who got you to join blogspot?
*my old blogsite
it way too slow.hehs
23. Wish someone was next to you this morning when you woke up?
*err, no?
24. What web site do you visit the most?
25. Do you have plants in your room?
*used to
a cactus, and it died.
go figure
26. Who was the last person to hug you?
*my name?
*outside my house
*to that person
*neutral laa
*purse, it contains money
*with friends? okay jeaaaa
*yeahh of course
*a very cute cat
adored by a loving owner
*u wanna know?
*ooh no
*sense of humor?haha
*vanilla vanilla vanilla((:
*ooh no
*sense of humor?haha
*vanilla vanilla vanilla((:
tagged by lisa.so i'd tag AZIM.haha
Monday, August 24, 2009
macam usain bolt
3 ppl who Allah doesnt want to see their faces during the afterlife
1) him who have parents but they dont meet up to their needs, or in other words, neglected their parents while they r still alive
2) whoever doesnt dare to open their mouth to selawat ke atas our prophet Muhammad when they hear his name eg; sallahualaihi wasalam
3) whoever that ignores Ramadhan, in other words when Ramadhan arrives and leaves, he is still the same, he does not gain any pahala, or did any sins.
so, do you want Allah to look at you?so, stay away from doing this three things.okai?
andd, the ustaz also said(his name is ramadhan, how cool is that!) umm, let me see.the hipothesis is lyk this.the further we are in something, the faster we shud work.that means, in this month, the last 10 days are the most imp ones.so, gear up till the end ayte?or else u'll mis the night that equivalent to 1000 months.just like usain bolt.if he slows down when he gets to the finish line, he wont get to beat the world record for 100 n 200m.make him an idol for that((:
today, first day tuition.+m3s.cold cold cold.i did treng's mid yr exam, quite okay.but tym smp question 6, i dropped my calc, and da xbley on da after that.sad sad sad.)):

i wanna go to the book fair.meenie asked me, but i got plans.hehs.angel and demons?later.
p/s: i gave ryan reynolds's the proposal 5.5 ehh? for the plot.for him, 10((:
oh and, yst's smallville, was extra extra extra SAD):
3 ppl who Allah doesnt want to see their faces during the afterlife
1) him who have parents but they dont meet up to their needs, or in other words, neglected their parents while they r still alive
2) whoever doesnt dare to open their mouth to selawat ke atas our prophet Muhammad when they hear his name eg; sallahualaihi wasalam
3) whoever that ignores Ramadhan, in other words when Ramadhan arrives and leaves, he is still the same, he does not gain any pahala, or did any sins.
so, do you want Allah to look at you?so, stay away from doing this three things.okai?
andd, the ustaz also said(his name is ramadhan, how cool is that!) umm, let me see.the hipothesis is lyk this.the further we are in something, the faster we shud work.that means, in this month, the last 10 days are the most imp ones.so, gear up till the end ayte?or else u'll mis the night that equivalent to 1000 months.just like usain bolt.if he slows down when he gets to the finish line, he wont get to beat the world record for 100 n 200m.make him an idol for that((:
today, first day tuition.+m3s.cold cold cold.i did treng's mid yr exam, quite okay.but tym smp question 6, i dropped my calc, and da xbley on da after that.sad sad sad.)):

i wanna go to the book fair.meenie asked me, but i got plans.hehs.angel and demons?later.
p/s: i gave ryan reynolds's the proposal 5.5 ehh? for the plot.for him, 10((:
oh and, yst's smallville, was extra extra extra SAD):
Sunday, August 23, 2009
i slept at one
i woke up at one
what a gibberish nightmare.
psst, i saw khalid td.
((: *huge grin*
withloveandregards; maxime.
i woke up at one
what a gibberish nightmare.
psst, i saw khalid td.
((: *huge grin*
withloveandregards; maxime.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
the tazkirah.
i shall start with this hadith from our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w
i think that is what the ustaz said just now.and yeah, u can understand it in this way,
pretend there is a big sale at a supermarket nearby ur house.buy one free ten.whoaa, imagine that.but not only that, who ever wants to go to the supermarket are given all the privileges such as green light all the way and a smooth ride.and the ppl who doesnt want to go to the supermarket are banned from blocking other ppls way.and yet, with all the reward and kesenangan, there are certain type who doesnt even care abt it.in other words, they are not at all interested.so, to make things easy, they will not get the offer.same as if you do not care to do any kind of good deed in this fasting month Ramadhan, you will not get Allah's grace forever.
and what not, have it ever crossed ur mind that fasting is such a waste of time?well, maybe u dont.but this guy does.
his name is Habib Bourguiba.he is the president of Tunisia and he banne dthe country from fasting during the month of Ramadhan during the year 1961.this is what he said abt the reason why
but is you think logically, why blame islam?wht not blame the laziness of the muslims?sorry, no offence yaa.but, its not logical.seriously.
and the 2nd point is on how ppl see Ramadhan.rytee, maybe u often hear ppl say ' okay, puasa ni aku nak kurus' or 'nak kurangkan makan bende2 xhealthy' or 'nak dpt duet sbb berniage kat bazaar ramadhan' suit urself.
as the prophet said ' berpuasa lah kamu.nescaya ia akan menyihatkan kamu'
wrong aim?no, not exactly.ahha, thats when thes quote comes in.'what you see is what you get'. if you think that u wanna fast to be slim for gradnyte or whatsoever, that is the only thing u will get.
okay, cut short.
and yess.the last point.what does it really mean, Ramadhan?i mean, to fast?if its not eating, or not drinking, again, thats all u will get.actually, what i do understand now, fasting means to refrain urself from doing things that ur not ought to do, and saying no.
and yes that includes not getting into fights, saying whats not good, not buying extra food at the bazaar, and the list goes on.its just a simple test to prove that u are worthy of refraining urslf from doing things ur not ought to do.for example, SMOKING! haha.
and when you are specifically aimed at, or di serang with words during Ramadhan.u are obliged to not fight.instead, just say 'im fasting' its to let the heat out, the tension out, but in a very mannerful way(:
last but not least, i shall end this with a verse from the holy quran 45:23 --> that means surah 45 verse 23.hehs.
in bahasa, if i may
till then, goodnight(:
i shall start with this hadith from our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w
'There is a month full with greatness and kindness, Ramadhan.and there is also a night that is way better that 1000 months...and who does not care of the month, he shall not be in Allah's grace forever.'
i think that is what the ustaz said just now.and yeah, u can understand it in this way,
pretend there is a big sale at a supermarket nearby ur house.buy one free ten.whoaa, imagine that.but not only that, who ever wants to go to the supermarket are given all the privileges such as green light all the way and a smooth ride.and the ppl who doesnt want to go to the supermarket are banned from blocking other ppls way.and yet, with all the reward and kesenangan, there are certain type who doesnt even care abt it.in other words, they are not at all interested.so, to make things easy, they will not get the offer.same as if you do not care to do any kind of good deed in this fasting month Ramadhan, you will not get Allah's grace forever.
and what not, have it ever crossed ur mind that fasting is such a waste of time?well, maybe u dont.but this guy does.
his name is Habib Bourguiba.he is the president of Tunisia and he banne dthe country from fasting during the month of Ramadhan during the year 1961.this is what he said abt the reason why
although Tunisia was described in its constitution as an Islamic country, Bourguiba had little patience for what he viewed as the anachronisms of religious observance. Thus, he advocated abandoning the obligatory fast during the month of Ramadan, arguing that the consequent loss of worker productivity interfered with the country's development.
but is you think logically, why blame islam?wht not blame the laziness of the muslims?sorry, no offence yaa.but, its not logical.seriously.
and the 2nd point is on how ppl see Ramadhan.rytee, maybe u often hear ppl say ' okay, puasa ni aku nak kurus' or 'nak kurangkan makan bende2 xhealthy' or 'nak dpt duet sbb berniage kat bazaar ramadhan' suit urself.
as the prophet said ' berpuasa lah kamu.nescaya ia akan menyihatkan kamu'
wrong aim?no, not exactly.ahha, thats when thes quote comes in.'what you see is what you get'. if you think that u wanna fast to be slim for gradnyte or whatsoever, that is the only thing u will get.
okay, cut short.
and yess.the last point.what does it really mean, Ramadhan?i mean, to fast?if its not eating, or not drinking, again, thats all u will get.actually, what i do understand now, fasting means to refrain urself from doing things that ur not ought to do, and saying no.
and yes that includes not getting into fights, saying whats not good, not buying extra food at the bazaar, and the list goes on.its just a simple test to prove that u are worthy of refraining urslf from doing things ur not ought to do.for example, SMOKING! haha.
and when you are specifically aimed at, or di serang with words during Ramadhan.u are obliged to not fight.instead, just say 'im fasting' its to let the heat out, the tension out, but in a very mannerful way(:
last but not least, i shall end this with a verse from the holy quran 45:23 --> that means surah 45 verse 23.hehs.
in bahasa, if i may
maka pernahkah kamu melihat orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhannya dan Allah membiarkannya sesat berdasarkan ilmunya ( Allah membiarkan org itu sesat kerana Allhan telah mengetahui bahawa dia tidak menerima petunjuk2 yang diberikan kepadanya) dan Allah telah mengunci mati pendengaran dan hatinya dan meletakkan tutupan atas penglihatannya? Maka siapakah yang akan memberikannya petunjuk sesudah Allah (membiarkan sesat). Maka mengapa kamu tidak mengambil pelajaran?
till then, goodnight(:
Friday, August 21, 2009
first day of the bulan AGUNG((:
Tarawih Another important feature of the month of Ramadhan is Tarawih. It is a special Salah (prayer) consisting of 20 rak'at which is performed immediately after the 'Isha' prayer. This Salah is Sunnah mu'akkaddah (repeatedly emphasized), and should not be missed. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) said,
"Allah has made fasting in Ramadhan obligatory, and I have made the special prayer of Ramadhan (i.e. the Tarawih) a Sunnah".It is a Sunnah Mu'akkadah' 'alal-kifayah to perform Tarawih in jama'ah. It means that it is a Sunnah mu’akkaddah for the people of every mosque to arrange for the jama'at of the Tarawih. If a person after being sure that the jama'ah of Tarawih is being held in his mosque, performs the Tarawih in his home without jama'ah, the sunnah of the Tarawih is discharged, but he will be deprived of the great thawab (reward) of praying with jama'ah. So, one should perform the Tarawih in the mosque as far as possible. It is also a Sunnah to complete the recitation of the whole Quran in Tarawih in Ramadhan. It is thus advisable to request a hafiz (one who has memorized the Holy Quran by heart) to lead the prayer of Tarawih. However, paying any fee to the hafiz for this purpose is not allowed. If no such hafiz is available, the Tarawih should be led by any Imam, and he can recite in it whatever Surahs of the Holy Qur'an he remembers.
As a general practice, the Holy Qur'an is completed in most of the mosques a few days before the end of Ramadhan, on the 27th night or even earlier. In such a case, Tarawih should be continued till the last night of Ramadhan with recitation of different surahs. Those who leave Tarawih after the completion of the Holy Qur'an are not correct, because Sunnah of the Tarawih remains unchanged unto the last night.
The time of Tarawih begins after the performance of the obligatory (Fard) prayer of 'Isha. Therefore, the one who has not performed the Fard prayer of 'Isha cannot join the prayer of Tarawih. He should perform the Fard of 'Isha first, then join the Tarawih. If he missed some rak'at of Tarawih, he can complete it after the witr. For example, a person came to the mosque when the Imam has performed four rak'at of Tarawih. He should perform the Fard of 'Isha first, then join the jama'ah for Tarawih. If he has missed 4 or 6 rak'at of Tarawih, he should also perform the witr prayer with the Imam, then pray the four or six rak'at he has missed on his own, individually.
i shall end this with:
‘The month in which Allah has prescribed for you fasting and I have initiated for you the night prayer.Whoever fasts in it and prays with sincerity and faith, sins leave him clean and the day his mother gave birth to him’. (Ibn Maja)
p- FF -t
the caps means that its on my mind.practically, allthe time.minimum five times a day, cuz i'll nvr forget to pray for it to be true.
wtv laa.im back.goshh.loads of stories.but, this is not the time to spill all of it ryte.
the level of stress is finally decreasing as the trials had gone.but its half of it only.more to come after holidays.but during this period, ill be busy with my date with aljunid((: yippie.dy tu best gilaaaa.hehs.but yknow, when the adrenaline starts to run, i'll automatically write.haha.whatt?idk, its true.i may write crappy stuffs.but ill nvr throw my writings away.adoyaii.ill publish a book one day.i think its gna be a little bit better than rubbish.haha, just buy it.dont say anything.
had my sub of d day tadi.sedapsedap((:
SATU kosong?
aaaaaa, freak aa man u ni.
i said so, without CR, u'll be nothing.ceyhh. xD
im dissapointed.
you are most welcome.bye!
wtv laa.im back.goshh.loads of stories.but, this is not the time to spill all of it ryte.
the level of stress is finally decreasing as the trials had gone.but its half of it only.more to come after holidays.but during this period, ill be busy with my date with aljunid((: yippie.dy tu best gilaaaa.hehs.but yknow, when the adrenaline starts to run, i'll automatically write.haha.whatt?idk, its true.i may write crappy stuffs.but ill nvr throw my writings away.adoyaii.ill publish a book one day.i think its gna be a little bit better than rubbish.haha, just buy it.dont say anything.
had my sub of d day tadi.sedapsedap((:
SATU kosong?
aaaaaa, freak aa man u ni.
i said so, without CR, u'll be nothing.ceyhh. xD
im dissapointed.
you are most welcome.bye!
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