how much do you value keberkatan in your lives?well, sure they do know a little bit bout that.
what is keberkatan actually?
from this special someone, it means its something that we do that will last long and give benefits to us.
when we have keberkatan to a thing that is small, it will become big
when we have it to a big thing, it will give benefits to us
and when its at the maximum, it means that we are able to use the keberkatan towards Allah path.
let me tell you 4 from the 8 things that will bring keberkatan to goes
1) bertaqwa kpd Allah
He once said that if a group of ppl bertaqwa to him, He will give them the keberkatan.
2) berdoa
a simple example, for one.doa makan
allahumma bariklana fii ma razaqtana...
it means, Ya Allah berikanlah keberkatan kepada makanan kami, dan..
do you understand? there is a thin line between those who gets the keberkatan, and those who not.
3) menerima barang dgn baik
for example, saying thank you and dont ever make remarks.okay?
lyke, we know, if we korek hidung or telinga (mind the words, haha), akan batal puasa ryte, but few ppl realize that its their words or actions that will make the pahala puasa kurang.
so, accept with grace, and say thankyou, even if you dont mean it.fake it till it happens.and if it revolves around food, no matter how you dislike the dish, eat it.a little tiny bit wont kill.haha((:
4) belanjakan harta dijalan yang baik dan keluarkan zakat
okay, maybe were still kids and zakat is none of our business, yet.but when it becomes our responsibility, do it well, ayte? the best time to give: give things when the things are with you and when you are in a state of kedekut.yess, refraining ourselves to not to give.get what i mean?haha.ayt a little bit untidy i know.hehs.fight the feeling, just give! (:
thats the four.more, but time envies us.cheyy.ade jugak 15 things that could take away the keberkatan.but the ustaz said, next time i guess, kena tunggu, or cari je la sndry.its not that hard, rytee((:
moga2 kamu bertaqwa
its what our beloved prophet said, the aftermath of, do well in this month.(:
nique during ramadhan is simply scary. hehe
da terpikat dngn ehem2
teros ko jd camni ek?
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