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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


this is from ustaz firdaus.whoosh, his slang.kedah eh?pekat heck.oh well

one question;
how do you treat your GUEST when he or she is coming to ur house?

well, im sure the answers are all in ur mind.and a little bit of hypothesis here, the higher darjat the guest is, the higher value we treat them.isnt that true?

yeaaa, so its d same goes for Ramadhan.pretend, we have a very very grand guest, His name is Ramadhan al-Mubarak.what would you do to welcome him?

so that will come to reciting zikir, reading al-quran, doing solat terawikh, blablabla, the list goes on.

one more question,
when it comes to ur visitor, do you treat him 100% till the end or do you treat them sekadar hangat-hangat tahi ayam?

obv, the first one.kan?

so referring to my previous post, mcacm usain bolt, we must treat this ramadhan till the very end.dont slow down.every thing has its own protocol, and Ramadhan has its own too.and it is,
the last 10 days are the most precious ones, ive been repeating this for several times now, there is one night, malam lailatul qadar, as we call has greatness that is far greater than 1000 months.

so, fellow Muslims, lets berebut to get the greatness of the nights, okay?as much as you crave for that new iphone 3GS or that 10A1s, or whatever pun, you should be doing the same thing for Lailatul qadar.

till then, maxime.

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