my favourite quote from johnny depp
John Dillinger: I was raised on a farm in Moooresville, Indiana. My mama ran out on us when I was three, my daddy beat the hell out of me cause he didn't know no better way to raise me. I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars, whiskey, and you... what else you need to know?*i loved the way he treated billie frechette.goshh, how i want to have a guy like him.hee
well, its a true story.and yepp, i loved it.and sad sad, john dilinger had to die, but i guess thats his punishment.rytee?hee.and i dint know that channing ttum plays pretty boy floyd, until just now.hahah.
the true john dillinger
yes man *3stars
aha, jim carrey.not really my favourite kinda guy, but this storyis kinda good.but i hate hate the ending.gosh, stupid carl, wearing only the half naked hospital suit, it showed his butt ! spoiler ~
naah wtv, love that girl, she's so cool, and the part where its raining, and carl just shoved his jacket off to the girl, and carried her to the barn, and the part where carl just took the girl and carry her to the airport's counter, i couldn't stop myself from smiling.its just so, sweet.((:
aliens in the attic *2.8 stars? haha
nevertheless, i liked this story, and loving the part where robert hoffman is actually a jerk in this movie, hahahaha.
this story is for kids, but i love it anyway,
andd thats all.coolness; AL
p/s: ive deleted some of my posts.haha
kaw dh tgk aliens in the attic? siot je, ni aku nk dtg umah kaw ni. mmg ternganga dpn tv, HAHA. hindustan bru ade? kah3. meleleh. ehh kaw, carter jenkins tu aku pnye ea. jgn nk sibuk.
eeh dtg laaaa, dtg tau tau.bila nk dtg
eh carter jenkins tu, AKU punya eh, aliens in the attic pun belom tgk, nk sibukk ;P
entah laa. tgk ahh , kaw rindu aku ea ?? HAHA.
carter jenkins tu bnyk brlakon kat disney laa ngoi. aku tau lahh. kaw yg sibuk !!
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