yesterday was my standard 6 class reunion, it was fun.fun ! haha. it started with a gathering at starbucks, and yeah, we waited till everyone got there.then the ketua pengawas and the assist ketua pengawas (hee, so cute kan dulu2 ;P) got together and talk.haha.
they decided to go and eat at burger king.we, namely me zara jaa and jasmin went off to the cinemas to get us tickets for any movie.haha, zara and i wanted to watch cirque du freak vampire assistant, but the guys wanted to watch old dogs.so it was old dogs then.the movie's not till 330 so we went down and join the rest of the group.
we talked, and laughed.and laughed, and laughed.yes, you couldnt possibly imagine how bad i laughed yesterday.ameer's stupid jokes ! hahaha.
then its old dogs time.i laughed so hard till i got shy ! haha ariff sat next to me, and i sat with my legs up on the cinema seat and he was like 'wey duk mcm pmpuan sket bley tak?' haha i laughed and said, 'mcm pmpuan la ni !' well peeps, you know how tomboyish i can be.hee.

old dogs,
the story was bo-ring ! but it'll be fun if you watch it with your family.
its a family movie
so, no harm done
quite sad actually
but seriously, HILARIOUS !
jokes, 5stars weh ! :DD
then TODAY i watched nick and norah's infinite playlist
*suggested by zara aliya((: had that dvd for months, thot that story was boringg
but it turned out to be quite gooooooooooooood :D
u know, micheal cera from juno?
well, i think i like geeks who's into music.
is there such malay guy who is like that? teehee ;P
and then, JUST NOW i watched jennifer's body
megan fox
and there's girls kissing
haha so NOT NOT NOT NOT !
its not okay, except for the songs in that movie
haha cool
and plus, theres adam brody
and right now,
im enjoying my delicious digestive cookie
till then, daa~
p/s: my former classmates, i had a really2 great time today meeting you guys, ameer the joker, tarmizi the cool guy, arif the leader, aisya the female leader, achi the half twin, adam the neighbour((: jaa zara jasmin bella the fun :D anis fiza amieliya dayah azyan sahira afiqah the girls, anati the smarty aha oh maybe except for ariff azhar, and why is that pun i also dont know hahaha, he was acting weird, concerning abt me, calling me to ensure that i was home, and i was like wth?hahaha.pfft, he has a girlf, thats why its weird, hahaha, but wtv.in a nutshell(ceyh) i had fun, real fun, miss you guys weh ! looking forward to the barbeque, ade ke pun mizi?hahahahaha ;P
pps: sorry, if i missed out any names, tell me! hahaha.
1 comment:
mmg tak banyak pulak nama i? HAHAHA aww nnt lepak lagiii xD
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