i really feel like blogging right now. so if ure not in the mood to read plenty of crappy words, just go away. come back when i post my short posts alriteee. heh :)
messy bed
unpacked bag
unfinished business
untrimmed self
layers of fat
stuffs here and there
clothes unfold
mind unorganized
thoughts flying
hormones raging
well let start with this quoteunpacked bag
unfinished business
untrimmed self
layers of fat
stuffs here and there
clothes unfold
mind unorganized
thoughts flying
hormones raging
i love being alone, but utterly hate being lonely
technically when you're alone, you're lonely. not really tho, but technically it is. unless ure alone but ure skyping with someone, or texting someone, or there is just this someone or something that's in your brain. well just now, amongst the 8 people i am with, i feel lonely. not that i refuse to accept that fact, just that i realized how many times i've been in that exact position. do i really isolate myself to think that im lonely ? or its just that i don't tend to speak that much around certain circle of people ? i think the 2nd one works. gaaaah. i don't care. just a quote i'd ,like to elaborate tonight. HAHA.
well, raya mood is still here, and right now, and the open house syndrome is at the highest peak. well today is the highest peak. hehe. i'm just glad that i'd meet up with couple of my friends from highschool. i miss them like THIS much, maybe more. hehehe. and when i said that 'oh its been looooooooong time since i met them' to my parents, they were like WHAAAAT -.-' ? haha cause in their case, long time means 11 years. haha i can't imagine not meeting my highschool friends as long as that. but yeah, time will tell. cause right now, i don't even know where the hell is half of them. -.-' but i do believe that our path will cross again, somedayyyyy. heh. well, eng is going to fly off this monday, early in the morning, one something i think, she told me just now, so this sunday m off to her house for some doa selamat and makan makan. hehh, but i'm dieting now. back in UTP later, eating is strictly 2 times a day only ! BAHAHAHA lets see how long that rule will last.
i just got back from a friend's house. well, i'm in awe. i want a walk in wardrobe ! WANT ! :x andddd thay have plenty of fish. plenty ! like 100+ or something. gosh. must be expensive. ahaha, i can't imagine me spending loads of money to buy fish. haha. well, unless my hudband-to-be loves fish, i can't argue. HA-HA (: and then they have some sory of balcony that can look down towards the center of the house from their rooms. i so dig that. when i grow up (hehe, as if m so small right now) i wanna have a very unique kinda house, err but m so not talented or brilliat enuff to think of something weirdly beautiful as a design of a house. just hope that it'll change when i turn 21 ;)
well, loads of movies to catch up to. feeling like spending my time at wangsa walk on monday since everybody is going back to their respective study places on sunday, leaving UTPians free until tuesday. sooo, anyone would like to join me for a movie marathon on monday ? movies are most likely stepup3 and resident evil :DD piranha ? not sureee yet, but those two. confirmed ! and also, i wanna buy stuffs to bring back to UTP. sighhhh. not that sad to go back there, but not that enthusiastic either. this raya holidays had been filled will all the non-academic stuffs that you can think of. no pressure at all. hahah. thot it might be good (it is !) but some pressure would be nice. haha. emmmm maybe knowing the 1st sem's results is the nearest pressure now. apart from having to absorb the fact that my classes now starts at 8am -.-' during sem 1, i can't even make it to some of the 9am classes, what more 8am ? hahahahaha. the adventure begins ! (:
filling myself with all the movies and series that i have in this laptop is one of my current hobbies. hahah. i have little time for that during sem1, but people say that we shall have leisure time during sem 2, BUT all the cocuriculum classes are on weekends -.-' so can't go back home on weekends. bummer.
and then there's thing about my brain tends to expect more from something or someone, but yet, the respond seems to go perpendicular with my thoughts, not parallel. oh right, maybe thats what he felt before. HAHAH.
flowers seem nice(:
OH AND HAPPY MALAYSIA DAY TO ALL MALAYSIANS :D proud to be one, seriously :))
(although i have plans before, that i wanna move to singapore. hehehe.)
fuhhhh tired of rambling; maxime xD
introducing me by nick jonas
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