Resident Evil : Afterlife 3D. Fuhhh. Totally worth it :D I actually docked my head when that thinggg stormed off the screen. HAHA. i was quite jumpy at times, haa don't blame me, i was frightened alrightt. :) this is the last one of the Resident Evil movies, so i've got to complete them all right ? and i LOVE the way she dresses up in that movie. just plain black baby tee and vest to put her weapons, plus the COIN gun, oh i love thaaatt one ;) and also some sort of hand sock that only goes to your elbow. super smart. and long black thights, plus high boots. and those around her waist, buckle or something. aha i don't know. just that she got the ultimate dangerous look. oh i love ! psst she has short hair ;)

Step Up 3. Fuhhh. This is way better than Afterlife. hehe sorry ! but that's true. heh. Moose was awesome in the final dance ! and yeah, the hero. He's got looks :) and their shoe collection, TO DIE FOR ! hahaha. i want oneeee. and the final dance, thats pure wicked genius. you just have to see it for yourself. AND i know cinemas are meant to be cold, but halfway thru the movie i was freezing and shivering while laughing along with the movie. i was reallllllyyyy cold. too bad for me cause thats my 2nd movie in a row, so i should have known better, like bring a sweater or something. i didn't really care actually. haha. BUT the movie was AWESOME :) i watched it like there's nobody around, but actually there is, i think like 10 people ?
this is my last day here before going back to UTP, so i pampered myself by bringing me around, buying whatever things i want with my money. so yeah, i loikeeeeeeee.
oh and i also finished watching Camp Rock 2 just now. neatttt
this is how i pamper myself, how bout you ? :)
p/s: love yourself maynn, no one elso could do it better than you do.
obsessed my mariah carey
1 comment:
wow, so cool.
can invite me next time? :)
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