To be frank, I dunno why I'm writing this post but since I have this little bit of free time, might as well do something, right ?
Recently, I came across two absolutely different people but became best friends. I guess that's what you call opposite attracts. Both of them like different things, want different things, do different things, but they speak the same language. I never understood much, I just took the important points of it to write a story.
Justin Bieber has a story. Micheal Jackson has a story. The Beatles has a story. What about you ?
And also, recently I came across this piece of paper stuck to the wall. Nothing much, just writings in black and white with 'Moments Of Joy' at the center of it. You can guess it alright, it's telling me to write an article about your moment of joy and can stand a chance to be published in their magazine and win RM 15. Most of people will say, RM 15 ? Pfft. But the moment I saw those words, I already had my moment of joy to write about. I don't care about the money, I just want my work to be noticed. I dunno. But I'm not sure if I have the time to write if or not. The downside is, I have to attach it w a picture. That part, I'm not so sure.
And yes just recently, I watched the video of the Manchester United player being boo-ed and forced to take off his jersey and wear the Liverpool jersey instead. I think it was during training session. Correct me if I'm wrong. But if I'm right, Liverpool fans, chill out. It's just during training. If it's during the real game, you have the right to be pissed but not to the extend of taking away his shirt and forcing him to wear your jersey. That's against human rights. And to the lucky guy, congrats ! You are now officially a legend. Even Wayne Rooney tweeted that. You should be proud. I think the next guy who does that will be considered as attention-seeker so please, don't. You should've thought about that when Manchester United came to Malaysia years ago. Or maybe someone did it before, but the fans are not as ________ (insert word here) as the Liverpool fans. Cheers :)
Recently, I've had my mind twinning around the Love subject. Been watching those love movies, and hearing those love stories. A girl can dream. They always do. Guys do too, more than girls actually. But the talk about love is that, it will be random. You can't plan on when you will fall in love, or get married. Your heart will tell you that. All you can do is try to search for it, and be sure that by the time you found it, you yourself is mentally, spiritually and physically prepared for it. Because of love, people are happy. Because of it also people get sad, or heartbroken. I'm no Dr. Love to talk about it, I'm just saying what I know. One thing about love, it can change the heart. I came across one of my bestfriends in highschool who claimed that she doesn't want to get married, but look at her now. She has a boyfriend, and she's happy. And I'm happy for her. Another thing before I end, love can't be forced. If it's there, it will come. If it's not, there are someone out there who's waiting for you the same way that you're waiting for them now.
"Blessed be He who created all that grows in pairs from the earth and themselves, also from what they do not know."
Surah Yasin: 36
"And every kind we have created pairs: so that you remember His power."
Surah az-Zariat: 51
maximeSurah Yasin: 36
"And every kind we have created pairs: so that you remember His power."
Surah az-Zariat: 51
And now my mind is back to it's original state. Because i've poured my heart out here. I'm glad :)
how to love by lil wayne
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