no tazkirahs for now cuz ive not been going for trwkh for 2 days pun ( i have my excuses for that)
which are
- pening kepala cuz tido lambat bangun awal (kat coll bole je kan? ;P)
- nak study, ahha.konon la, but im stuck reading my novel.pfft
yeaa, but i did do terawikh kat rumah ye((:
and there's been some movies to.i mean, two movies.angels and demons and bride wars.yeaa.two diff ones.
angels and demons.well, if you havnt read the book(qute like myself) you probably wonder whats illuminati right from the moment u start to watch it till the end.but eventually, u'll get the picture la.i think the story's cool.with the 4 elements, fire water earth and air.and the thing, ape ehh panggil/.

Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: Christianity's most sacred codices are in that archive. Given your recent entanglement with the church, there is a question I'd like to ask you first, here, in the office of His Holiness.
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: . Do you believe in God, sir?
Robert Langdon: Father, I simply believe that religion...
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believe in God.
Robert Langdon: I'm an academic. My mind tells me I will never understand God.
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: And your heart?
Robert Langdon: Tells me I'm not meant to. Faith is a gift that I have yet to receive.
ahh, u know, this camerlengo patrick is the bad guy in this story, but i love him anyway.the cliche part is, he is ewan mcgregor.doesnt ring any bells?haha.he is obi wan kenobi in star wars, lincoln six echo in the island and he also plays catcher block in down with wonder i had a thing for him(;
i will give this movie 3.5/5(:
bride wars.well, at first, their friendship had me in awe.but when it gets worse, plus, even their husbands dont understand whats the thing abt weddings(pfft, GUYS!) im starting to get bored.its too cliche.haha.and the fight, it was too short.grenng, not that i wish for it to be longer, but tech, girls dont fight sekejap.i meant the fight at the plaza laa, where they got it fer urself.but its a must watch movie with your bestfriend childhood friend, if youve got anything planned for both of you in the future.they were as close as isi and kuku i cn tell yaa(:
and last, its all abt ego la jugak.u dnt wanna lose ur dream, but instead lose some if the beauty of it cuz ur friends not there?well, to tell you the truth, even bestfriends cant share the same wedding day.haha
fletcher: a double wedding! that'll be great.but, if you're smart enuff, u cn probably see the ending.i knew it was coming.harhar.
emme: i shared my whole life with liz.cant i get a day on my own?
but the pranks they made for each other, was extra cruel.liz tanned emma as if she had been sunburnt.then emma coloured liz's hair blue.well, that was one of it.before that, emma sent plenty and plenty of chocs, fudges, and cookie to liz, as if its from her boyf, just for liz to get fat so that she cant fit into the vera wang dress that emma had been craving for.liv sperad a rumour tha emma's pregnant, emma crashed into liz's bacholerette party, and won the hell out of it.but the last prank was unforgivable.liz wanted to reverse it, but her stupid maid of honor which is a guy (dangg!) refused to changed it becaouse if god knows what reasons.ha-ha.
but actually, this all became a story when their wedding planner agency (marion st. claire)'s secetary angela, mixed up both of their none of them want to give up their dates, so they ende up being rivals and trashing each other's wedding.
aaa, bean, m no good at making a review, this is my best i time.see you(:
p/s: nice one manchester united.u showed the gunners with or without ronaldo, u're still HEBAT! HAHA
arsenal boleh ah, mmg dh under pressure utk x klh.. cube kalau team2 bru2? ;)
haha catcher block of dwn wth love.
yessYESSSyess i knw hm.
lol chrming yet evil eh.
man u?
na'ah, they werent so gud pon.
arsnl yg ntah pape.
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