2015 was a great year. Well the ending might seem a little sad, but i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be right now. In the UK and technically all alone. Being alone is not bad, it's actually rewarding to the soul. But I'm not gonna touch on that. Bcs eventhough I am all alone, i'm contented with my life. And i'm perfectly happy with that.
At the end of the year 2014, I said to myself, I'm going to make a project that'll last the whole year. A 365 days project, something that I can be disciplined in doing. And my project was to snap at least a photo a day and save it so that i can train myself to photograph things more. And i said why not, since the year 2015 is the year that a lot of significant things happened in my life. Alhamdulillah!
To name a few: I graduated from UTP (5 awesome years), my sister got married and now carrying a little bundle of joy inside of her (isn't that just amazing mashaAllah!), I went to the UK to pursue my masters (it's the dream alhamdulillah), my convocation (one of the best days of my life), and i lost the person that i thought i was gonna spend the rest of my life with (sounds a bit dramatic eh?). Everything was planned except for the last one. Allah knows better and i believe that He is the best planner :)
Who did i try to lie when I thought that I was just gonna be gone for a year and when I come back next year it'll all be the same? That i'm just gonna pick up stuffs right where i left it? The moment I made the decision to come here I knew that things aren't gonna be the same anymore. And the events that came after I left proved it. It's been what, 3 and half months since I left home? (not counting the 5 brief days of me coming back) and I simply can't believe that i've been away from my mum for this long. OK i'm not one to always stay at home all this while but I usually go back every once a month or so during high school and my uni days. And to think that i'll still be away from her for the next 9 months or so? May Allah protect her and my family back home. It's going to be super hard, but i'll have to manage, like i always do :)
I once said to this person, one year is not that long. Just pretend that i'm going to take a year off off life. Easier said than done eh? The break up broke me. But it made me realise who i am as a person without having to have these labels on me. If anything, it helped me connect better with Allah, the one *person* (can i say that?) that is always with me no matter what. But i'm not giving up on love, obviously :p
Albeit all the things that has happened, I can say that it made me more matured and a family person. I have never been this clingy to my parents (esp my mum) before and i wonder why i havent been this way from the very start. It'll definitely save me from a whole lot of troubles but i don't regret anything that has happened. Coming here just may be the best decision i have ever made (for now :p). I get to leave my bubble and extend my circle of friends. It is truly a blessing just to be here, alhamdulillah for that.
Well here's to 2016, the year where people will start asking questions and i can answer it with THIS YEAR! I can't wait for 2016, i'm sure it's gonna be amazing inshaAllah :)
Love, Alhana x
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