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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

b is for

bandung.haha.well, im gonna tell this one ikut category nye

roughly, first day was my sister's place at jatinago.2nd day is bandung city, shopping.3rd day shopping gak.4th day rest day, jalan2 sket.and 5th day, balik(:

well well well, if you say bandung, whats first in ur mind?factory outlet, cheap stuffs, bla bla bla.yeah, and its sooooo true.for them who loves shopping, this is the perfect place.ahha.this is my 2nd time to bandung, so, im not that jakun anymore.hahaha.first stop on the 2nd day(first day tak shopping sgt), obviously, RUMAH factory outlet ever! seriously.the price was, okay la.i got my friends presents here.and 2 things for myself.a sleeveless, and this perfect brown sweater! its MODE PLUS.i bought my 2 other friend's bday present here.then, its almost night, we went to check out PARJIS VAN JAVA the was sooo cool ohkay! its like the curve or bukit bintang.ala2 tu laaa.very high class.and guess what, i bought my crocs here.haha.not a big deal pun but, saje je.i thot of buying blue, but since everyone thinks its ugly, i just bought the black one with the blue, on d 3rd day(amir's bday(: ), early in the morning, its PASAR BARU.haha.its the crowded place, not like a pasar la, but its very crowded, and i made my gradnyte dress there.hahaha.its like soo early kann.haha.but so what?, beli amende tah lagi.jalan2.haha.yeah, this is the routine, pasar baru je, kena beli kerepek! we went out and go to this place where sume org jual kerepek taw.even kasi free try lagi.haha.ape lagi.tym tgh bargain tu, makan laaaa.haha.boleh kenyang ouh.but seriously, crowded mati.after that, its dago street.ahha.there is SECRET, BLOSSOMS, and GRANDE.ohh yeah.DAGO STOCK EXPORT(dse for short).by the time we reached dse, i was dead tired.da la 4 like being rajin and all, used the stairs to go up, padahal lift ade je.hahaha. and then, 4th day.its rehat day.agak rehat la.tak shopping pun.5th for brownies and kartika sari lah!(:

makan atas airplane.pasta penne.haha
then nasi padang yang murah hell!tapi ikan dy keras.but sambal dy best. 40000rp equivalent to 40 divide by 3.5 pepandai kire la ehh.and that is for 4 ppl.
then that nyte, ikan bakar.3 ekor aw!hahha.96000rp.
and also, teh botol and fruit tea.sedaaap ouhh.haha.
2nd day morning, i had instant porridge.
then mama ayah bawak, bale cafe punye nasi goreng and meehun.
kakak bawak the delicious LUMPIA BASAH.5000rp each.haha.taste like char kuey teow, but actually its sengkuang.ahaha.
then lunch its batago, nasi thimble, and mee asin kat mode plus's restaurant.
malam its es teller's nasi goreng, mee soto and kuey teow goreng.sedap weyh.
next morning, tak bfast kan?makan heavy lunch kat pasar baru.
ikan gurame for mama n ayah.nasi thimble for kakak and me, sup buntut.hahahahaha.funny, but mengenyangkan.then malam makan ape eh?ntah la.
4th day.bfast ape?ntah
lunch chicken chop.hahahaha.kakak, bebek bakar which is itik bakar.
dnnr makan this waffle yang my mum ckp sedap gile kan.
then when i saw it, it was actually the waffle yg nana makan kat RARA klcc.same je.but mine was superb sedap! vanilla weyh! im a freak of vanilla and that waffle dough.hahahaha.weird.
malam makan mee tarik, seafood mende tah, sate with kuah kicap.hahaha.kicap dy pekat ouh.and my sis nak sgt makan pece lele dy uh, and guess what is it, nasi with ikan keli!daymn.kat kl tak makan ikan keli, then datang sini terus makan.hahaha.
last day, maggi for bfast.then its kueh2 mende tah.ade pizza bakar mende tah.then, on the plane.i just slept d whole way!hahahaha.

first day i slept at my sister's place.universitas od padjajaran.short name dy is guest room is at bale sister's room was at no 11, bale was the guy's place.that place was kinda cool tho.sejuk je.ahah.
2nd was hyatt until the last day.the room was superb.ade bathtub!but bed cukup kan, so tak tido dlm bath tub la.ahha.ade astro, so i watch several movies.its located besip the BIP, its cool.and the security, damn! ketat hell and out kene lalu scanner yg kat airport uhh.haha.but, i tak bwk bom ke ape, chill(:and, penyambut tetamu dy, comel oh.yg sorg tu je la.his name is amir, hahahaha.what a coincidence.but, i got my own amir pun kan(: so like.wtv.

we arrived at the airport.then it was pak termizi's guy yg took us, not him himself like our last trip.his name is ONSEK (spelling?).ahha.we rode on this swift 7 jatinago.we rode on angkutan kota, the short is ANGKOT.we rode that to get to the ikan bakar place, ang to mane tah.skali naek u have to pay 7000rp per person.if you want to stop, just say 'pak, kiri' getting the hang of this.(: umm.yeah, 2nd day, tym we were otw to the hotel, it became 5 seater car cuz seat belakang tuh half of it kene lipat cuz our luggage banyak gila, and yeah, its me yang kene duk blakang tuhh.and believe, they forget all abt me taw,! first time bl nk sampai hotel.2nd time, last day, time otw to the airport, stop kat kartika sari.grrrrrr.bengang but, what to do.ahah.

well, indonesians.ahha.technically, theyre okay.but sis practically lives there, so she can speack their lang now.well, it snot that hard.its just..., all the talking were made by my sisters.ahha.i looked at her cm pandang slack je en tym dy ngomong bahasa indo tuh, but, biar lah kann.she knows it better.ahha.and believe me, there, its like, most of them have atleast one hoodies, or atleast, a jacket.dah la lawa weyhhh!berjuta jacket lawa ouh kat sane.but the price lawa gak la kann.and and there are very polite, some of them.and cm kelakar la care dyorg ckp tuuuu.and sgt buat hal sndry.kat mall BIP uhh, i dont see a lot of tourists taw.dunno whay.but one thing la.tataw la skola dyorg habis pukul bape but before 12 lagi, the mall is full with them.most of them, are wearing jackets.ahha.and for them who wears the jilbab, which is the tudung, they wear the tudung cm okay gak la, even smpi my mum ckp cant differentiate between indo and, thats it la kot.

missing that sumbody badly
esp on the 3rd day
and, im cranky most of the times
tido banyak
sakit perut

lots of love, maxime.

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