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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Once In Four Years

So I shall make it special :)

Lemme ask you something. Who's your Serena if you are Blair ? Who's your Bonnie if you are Elena ? Who's your Ron if you are Harry ? Who's your Tuck if you are FDR ? Who's your Morgan if you are Chuck ?

You do get my point, do you ? Heh. Well, my answer is, this girl.

Words can't even come close to describing how much I treasure this girl, but I shall try. Hihi.

She is the one who has been putting up my crazy annoying nonsense behavior since... err wait. Let me recall. Haha. 2006 I think. Of course, we met way before then, in 2005 when we went to school together in TKC, but we only start to really get close when we were in form 2. Nope, we were not classmates. Well, we did have other friends, yeah, we weren't just living our own world back then. And as usual, friends fight. We had our ups and downs, and yeah, some of them are stupid, but that's the reason we're closer now more than ever. And plus, we get to laugh it off sometimes, remembering the stupid things that we do, or when we come across our old pictures when we were in high school.

(not to embarrass you or something, but trust me, there are waay more embarrassing pictures of you but then we were free hair soooo, cant show it here :p but you were cute in these pictures hehehe)

But now, everything's changed. We grew older. We grew apart because of the lack-ness of each others company. We made new friends, we go to different universities. But still, we stay as best friends. Honestly, I never thought we could last this long. (you said that too, remember) but somehow we did. And that's something priceless, not even money could buy. I should have written this post about you earlier, but I was just too busy paying attention to other stuffs that I wasn't supposed to (and we fought because of that) and I'm sorry.

Although now we rarely meet, but we always find time for each other. And as you say, no matter where we are in our lives, we will always find time for each other <3

And, (ain't that obvious now) this post is dedicated especially for you, Nur Amalina Izyan Ibrahim. Thanks for existing in my life. InsyaAllah I'll always be here for you and I'll always be praying for your happiness. May our friendship last (forever) insyaAllah.

And you are absolutely the greatest. (The Greatest - Michelle Williams) ;) And also remember, when you're out there, Im sure you'll shine brighter than anyone else does (Brighter - Paramore)

I love you xx


p/s: want another post ? wait another four years :p (you know im kidding)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Sitting here, listening to the same songs, doing the same things, makes me think of you. Not that you never crossed my mind, (well, you're innit most of the time) but this makes it clearer.

2 years ey ? We really could have it all. Im sorry, i'll make it up to you one day. I'll explain everything to you one day.

Who would ever thought that after two years, im exactly where I was before, but with more of myself.

Feeling psyched for today.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Celebration Of Love

Congratulations K. Yu and Hanan :)

I love weddings. Because it's a celebration of love, made halal in Allah's eyes. And plus, everyone looks so happy :)

The utmost fun thing about this wedding is that, they have a candy table :D 

And these are my lovelies, part of Transcenders that came. Miss them sooo much <3

When's my time ? :p

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why thank you, Barney.

Apart from being the tenth out of twelve people in the first mission, (i realise that i am noob, playing amongst the noob) I really did enjoy myself. The greatest acheivement was that my accuracy is 30 percent in my last mission. (you may think it's low but believe me, it's surprisingly high for noobs, or normal people)

And all that thanks to Barney Stinson. And please, don't underestimate the 10 minutes allocated for each of the game. Because by the end of the first mission all of us were already out of breath. (talk about low stamina ey). We even have our own version of Barney Stinson playing w us just now. That's Ian. He always shows up in shirts and slacks. Not nearly suited up like Barney. Haha.

And as usual, a game of bowling. I can't say much, but every single time, my aim is to get atleast one strike, and reach 100 for the marks. Well, i only got 99 just now. And a strike. Lol. Towards the end of the game i lost all of my energy from recovering from the laser tag tiredness and laughing too much. I had fun. Esp in criticizing this friend of mine, if i may say it in Malay, 'padan muka tak ada strike'. That's your payment for being mean to me. (well he's mean to everybody except for his girlfriend).

All in all, i would love to do this again. Prolly w diff people, but i would love it as much if i did it with you guys. Just... Not in the near future okay ? I know most of us are sick and tired of Mid Valley so we shall try another place next time. Haha. And yes, our wallets also need time to recover.

Bought two books today ! Thank you, Prime Minister :)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Speech vs Essay

I've had this thought just now. And I just want to write it down.

What's with words ? Yes. As we all know words are the only form of expression that people use everyday. Even the mute and deaf, they still write using words. Even the blind, they can still talk using words.

But what's the difference between an essay and a speech ?

An essay, is the writing from of words. It's sometimes limited to the subjected matter or sometimes boundless as you can write about almost anything you want. And it does not necessarily have to be true, that's why we have two types of writing. Fiction, and non-fiction. Fiction, is make up stories, it is not true. While non-fiction is vice versa. Most people communicate with this. We have Twitter, Facebook, iMessage, BBM, Whatsapp and even the usual text messaging to help us with that. Some may choose this as a main form of communication, cause it... free ? easy ? You name it. Yes, it is easy. Very easy. But it's also controversial. People may not know the real tone that you are using or the real message that you want to convey. And these things leave proof, so it's easy for them stalkers to feast their eyes and collect things to judge you or just make up a file of you. But it is also important, as proofs can lead to justice, in some cases.

But that's not what i was going to talk about today. I was going for more of the speech part, actually.

Okay. Speech. It's the exact form of an essay, but instead of writing it down, you have to say it out loud. It doesn't need a script, but sometime it does, it you're an actor, or a TV reporter. That's more on the formal speech. The informal part is our everyday life dialogue. Your simple conversations. When you wake up, during breakfast, in school, during break time, and so on and so forth. They may not leave proof, or anything readable for anyone else to snoop, but it delivers a more powerful message to the minds and to the hearts of the audience you are talking to. You may say, these speeches will be forgotten one day, I agree. Yes, it is super easy to forget what one did say to you. But if it's an important part of your life, and the person saying it is the utmost important person in your life, will you ever forget it ? I don't think so. What's different about speeches is that, you can't take it back. Not ever. Once you let it out. It's out. It's done. Unlike your Twitter or Facebook status, you can easily delete some of them if you dislike it (which i have done for oh so many times) but with speeches, you can't. Kids, maybe they will be forgiven. Oh no wait, not maybe. They WILL be forgiven. But not us. We are not considered teens anymore. We're adults now. (I'm referring to the 1992 clan cause that's when I was born). So let's behave like one, shall we ? (I'm trying my best to kick the kiddy part of me away but it's so hard haha nevermind, i'll just suppress it for now)

So what I really want to say after writing down this long post, (you should really skipped the upper part and jump right down here just to not waste your time lol) choose your words that you want to say wisely. Each of them. Because I know I may not be the person with the most decent mouth (anger does us a lot of bad things) so remember to istighfar every time you are angry. If it gets worse, go take your wudhuk. But that doesnt make it right to go and curse people in the form of writing. I just thought that by speech it's easier for people to get hurt rather than by essay. It's just an opinion.

“Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution.” [Abu Daud; Book 41, No. 4766]

Let us pray to become better Muslims. InsyaAllah.

Abu Dharr narrated: The Apostle of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said to us: "When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down." [Abu Daud; Book 41, No. 4764]

Im just writing down how I feel about this, so feel free to drop any comments you have okay ? And yes, I would like to say sorry, because of what I might have said or write done that any of you might have your hearts hurt by it.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

After Some Away Time

Hello I'm back ! Well, not really back but here I am, blogging again. Heh. Won't ramble much, but I just want to say I am so very very thankful of what I have, and who I am today. Everything, including being the owner of this blog. Because remember, not everyone have the opportunities that we have and we should be very grateful for that. Syukur.

Well on top of it all, I'm thankful that I am a Muslim, alhamdulillah.

Lots of money were spent, but plenty of hearts were satisfied too. But I dare say that other people shop more than I do. Haha.

One very important thing, I have not been controlling my food intake for the last 2 weeks, so I have to go back to my diet. Haha. And that starts, well I think about Wednesday. Heh. Cause yknow, jet lag and all that. Pictures ? Well I don't have it here so maybe I shall post some of them later.

Shall continue on my food, so talk to you people later ! I miss Malaysia, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna miss London too. Bye :)

Assalamualaikum ;)