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Hi! I'm Sabrina, a 25 year old wanderer. This where I write about things that are relevant to my life whether big or small, mostly about my feelings towards things. All things posted are strictly my take on things unless written otherwise. Happy reading!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fresh Freshies

this past week had been a blast for me :D woohoo. met a lot of new friends, a lot ! haha. the fassy's are grrrreatttt ! haha and its totally different here, and m impressed, for a person who doesn't want to go here at the first place, that's a good thing, i guess. well, i am a ROCK pun kan. XD haha

so classes dah start, woohoo ~ a little something bout my lecturers,

Mr Joan, English Lecturer, super cool :D haha, going to take us to a play next month. and just watched the movie, Dead Poets Society. cool, Carpe Diem ! :D literature ? hehe

Dr Chong ? Chemistry Lecturer. Very very fast. Superbly fast. we're done on chapters 1 and 2, whereelse everybody just finished on chapter 1. haha.

Dr Mumtaj Begam. Physics. i like, but, errr but. kinda hard to pick up on what she is saying. heh, must try again. fast.

lastly, Mr Jale. Pre-Calculus. he's great, but the subject's not so. haha. soo much to absorb, so little time.

hmmm. what else ? oh, well. mara. haihh. i did got the offer, but its for aviation or marine engineering at Russia. haha, andd Pre-U at UniKL, MIAT to be exact. buttttttt, there are complications, so its a no no (:

assignments ? okayla. getting heavier by the day. but then, time for loitering around until midnight is still there, first week kan, not that busy without the call labs and the tutorials. haha, nxt week ? wait and see.

oh yes, presenting,

girls from top, eleena me athira. boys from top, yusuf baal helmie (:

*ni gang kepala otak sama nih XD haha

and also,

atika and aisyah first row. suraya, me SYAZA and yani at the bottom.

going back today :D

with love, alhana

pulangkan by misha omar


fawz@n said...

kirim salam kt mr joan...
hahaha mcm r dia ingat xP

Nur Afiqah Mardhiah said...

Tiba2, pulangkan? -.- Mane roomate kau eh? Btw, tunggu kedtgan aku sbg JIRAN kau :) Excited tak excited tak? Weheee~